Friday April 16th was the Donor Reception.
It was an event where the Utah Donor Association comes together and honors those that became donors.
It was really amazing.
It was amazing to see the people who joined together who all have donor angels in heaven.
It was heartbreaking to see all those children's pictures scroll across the slide show.
The music was uplifting.
The speakers were inspiring.
The tears flowed.
Our hearts hurt.
We were lucky enough to be surrounded by our dear family and friends.
We are so blessed.
Makenzie is so incredibly loved.
There is her square, sewn next to all those other amazing people.
They all have a bond. They are linked.
I'm honored to have Makenzie's square on there.
I'm honored to know she is helping someone else.
That's what she is all about.
Thanks to Becky, Randy, Mom, Aunt Janet, Aunt Robin, Jonathan, Aunt Mary, Brooke, Shaun, Lisa, Alana, Allie, Derek, Jill, Amy and Jennifer for coming. You are amazing. Thank you for all your love and support.
It was an honor to be there. It was an inspiring, sad, wonderful, beautiful, hopeful, amazing event. My heart broke for all the families who lost someone they cherished but it made my heart happy to know those who donated gave life back to someone else who desperately needed the help. It does not change your hurt, your longing, your loneliness but....maybe it will bring some peace knowing Kenzie gave this world the ultimate gift - her life - and in doing so, someone else would live. That is truly the pure love of Christ - to give up your life for another. She will always be loved, always be remembered, and will always have a place in my heart. Love you, Ryan and Kenzie so much. Aunt Mary
No it was my HONOR to be there with you. It is my HONOR to have you for my daughter and have Mackenzie as my granddaughter. I will always and forever remember the day that I got to babysit her all by myself before she went into the hospital. I do wish I had not put her down to take a nap. I wish I would have kept holding her and snuggling her. I love you and am so proud of you and her and Ryan. You are awesome. I love you Ken. love mom
What an honor to be the parents of a special little girl that gave life to another. I am glad that you had such amazing people to surround you during this. Her square looks beautiful up there.
Donating is such a selfless decision and I know it isn't always an easy one. There are definitely hard parts of the decision, it is made in your grief, but I hope you are fully and completely at peace with your decision...what an honor for Kenzie, to know she not only is touching lives each and everyday but has GIVEN life and continues to everyday. I know Kenzie is so proud of all your decisions, this one as well! Love your quilt square, bright, wonderful and full of love-what better way to share Kenzie on it! Hugs, Em
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