Today is the last day ill write for a little while- well like a week is all. I'm going to Korea and we leave tomorrow! I am so unbelievably excited to see my Brother Ben his wife MyungLim and their 4 girls. I haven't seen my nieces in 3 years and I haven't seen the littlest one at all. I'm sure we will have many many adventures in such a different place so I'm make sure to capture them all in photos! I am so excited yet sad and worried at the same time. I know once it comes time to leave I don't know if ill be able to come back. My brother is one of my biggest hero's. Not only is he putting his life on the line everyday serving our country in the Army but he has always been such an amazing big brother to me even when he lives half way around the world. My family is the most important things in my life. My nieces and nephews show me a different world. Since I don't have my own children I get to see how perfect the world can be through my brothers and sisters kids. I am excited to share all the pictures and treasures of shopping Ill bring back but I really hope they days go by extra slow there and by some miracle I can bring the rest of my family back with me. Hope everyone has a safe and happy week.

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