Sayonara 2013
HELLO 2014
How has another year already come and gone. Fewww... Its absolutely insane to me how fast time is going especially now that Tracker is filling our every moment.
Its been a great year and one with much adventure. Lots of changes. Highest of highs. Life adjustments. New goals and dreams. Relationships built and lost. New friends.
Its been full of firsts and new beginnings and new challenges and growth.
Its been a year full of growing closer as a family of 4.
Its been a year full of learning how to relay on each other in ways we have have before.
It had its hardships and we learned how much it sucks to be away from family when they really need you or when something amazing happens and you are not there to celebrate.
We have learned to create our own family traditions and how important it is to begin them now.
We had so much fun this past year. Tracker kept us on our toes and gave us more laughs, smiles and memories than we could have ever dreamed. He has given us so much life back and its been amazing to really LIVE. We have missed being near Makenzie. It was our place of comfort and to find peace. Its been a challenge to not go anytime we want but it has forced us to find those moments of peace and comfort in other ways.
Top 13 of 2013
13. Ryan got a new position with Pacific Steel relocating us to West Richland Washington.
12. Sold our first home.
11. Kendra continued working with the same company and started babysitting as well.
10. Survived more sicknesses than I would like to remember.
9. 4 trips to Utah, 2 trips to Tacoma, 4 trips down to the cabin.
8. Had the absolute best summer ever. Swimming daily, long walks, endless park visits, BBQs....
7. Makenzie turned 4 and we have missed being near her spot nonstop.
6. Tracker learned to crawled... Then learned to climb... Then learned to Walk... Then learned to RUN
5. Tracker said his first words and got his first haircut and went on his first plane ride... basically it was a whole year of FIRSTS.
4. Tracker turned 1 and we had a great party in Utah to celebrate.
3. Made lots of new friends in Washington.
2. Celebrated 7 years of marriage.
1. Made it through another year without Makenzie.
We have so much to look forward to in 2014.
There will be even more changes and adventure.
Top 14 goals for 2014
14. Continue running and challenge myself even more
13. Explore Washington
12. Take the boat out more
11. Have more moments of quiet time
10. Plan more dates with Ryan
9. Celebrate big for Ryan's 30th
8. Continue building my relationship with God and learning who he is and who I am through him
7. Laugh more
6. Make more messes
5. Compare myself less
4. Serve more
3. Grow the leggings project
2. Invent some patience pills because God knows I need them BAD
1. Meet Ellen
Bring on a New Year.
It might only be the day after yesterday but I am one of those cheesy people that does think of it as a new start. It makes me feel better to know I can have a fresh start. Every morning is a mini fresh start but every year is a big fresh start. I cant wait to see what this year will bring.
I pray to see more LOVE, ACCEPTANCE AND GIVING in this world. I know I will strive everyday to do my part.
Happy New Years!!

1 comment :
I too feel like it is a fresh start and with my age I feel like my goals are finally ones that are realistic and meaningful. I know we all say we want to get in better shape, eat better and so on, however, my main goal is to improve relationships. A few of our family relationships have not been the best and I really had a moment of clarity a few months back of what is truly important. Thank you for sharing your goals. May God Bless.
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