Tracker 12 Months
Weight: 24.8 lbs (87%)
Height: 32" (98%)
Clothes: Pants and shirts are 12-18 month and Jammies are 18-24 month
Size 4 diaper. Size 5 shoe
Sleep: Sleeping this past month has been just about the same as last month. He goes down between 7-8 and sleeps until 5am. We bring him in bed with us and pray he goes back to sleep which sometimes he will do. We have tried sleep training once again this last month as well as moving his naps around but nothing has changed. This boy sure is strong willed. I honestly cant complain much. I pretty much look forward to 5am every night just so I can snuggle that boy next to me. He is still napping twice a day but those naps are becoming shorter and shorter. All these Mums that tell me their kid sleeps all night and than takes a 3 hour nap during the day... WOW... I don't even know what I would do with myself. Perhaps get a few more things done around the house.
Eating: This boy can eat. He is pretty good about any new foods we introduce. He loves any and all fruit. He can eat an entire can of mandarin oranges, a container of raspberries and strawberries and blueberries. He loves yogurt, bread, mac n cheese, pasta, squash, zucchini and goldfishes.
He really will eat anything we give him though. He is becoming more independent when eating so I have had to get a bit more creative on how I prepare his food so that it can all be turned into finger foods and he can do it on his own. Meal time is very messy.
He love his bottle and I don't even want to think about the time we will be taking it away. I admit we haven't even thought of a game plan. He drinks water and juice in a sippy without a problem but its more ME that just doesn't want to think about him as bottle-less.
Likes: Our walks, the park, crawling on the grass, watching other kids play, wrestling, throwing balls, climbing, trying to walk, standing, peed a boo, swimming.
Dislikes: That he cant swim alone, that he cant run, when he is alone, when I take something away from him, when we are in the car to long, getting out of the bath, changing his diaper, the word no.

I let my little on use a bottle until she turned 2. I honestly saw no harm in keeping her on the bottle. I just put milk in it, though. water and juice was always in a cup :)
I haven't been able to keep up with yall since you got your new blog. =( He's so beautiful. Hard to believe his a year old! =) Enjoy him now he won't stay little long.
Oh, it was so nice to see an update here! What a handsome little boy he is. Love the pictures.
He is so handsome! He is perfection!!!
Thank you for the update and the pictures of Tracker. He's handsome and so grown up. I have missed the updates since you've switched to your new blog. God Bless!
Happy First Birthday to Tracker. He is absolutely adorable ~ Thanks for sharing and hope all is well. Miss seeing your updates, but understand the need for privacy as your little guy grows up. Take care ~
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