our real christmas was actually Dec. 12th this year. we wanted our kenzie rye to have a first christmas so we gave her one. it was really simple and not much other than ryan, j and i sitting around listening to christmas songs, looking at our lite up christmas tree in the dark and holding our beautiful little girl.
here is our tree
my awesome sister made these- i (heart) them

the sweetest boy ever made these. Q i love you. thank you for the angels.
the sweetest boy ever made these. Q i love you. thank you for the angels.
i tried to dress this women for the occasion but she wasn't having it. i guess i don't blame her.
we all had a great time. even our extremely tired little girl who pooped out early in the night.
ryan and i thought long and hard what to get makenzie. it had to be something extra special so she could always have it. we wrote her a letter and we gave her a locket. we put our picture in it and wanted her to take it with her when she goes. that way she will always know we are with her as much as she is with us. we need her just like she needed us and we love her more than she could ever imagine.

**this last picture is for the simple reason we are mean parents! like i said before, what fun are kids if you cant laugh at them from time to time :)

we sent this little neckless to heaven with our daughter. we hope she will carry it around and always remembers how much we treasure her. how much we adore her. how our lives will never be the same without her. i keep pulling myself away from sleeping in her crib. i don't know why i want to but i am dieing to feel her. i want to be close to her. i still hate
we sent this little neckless to heaven with our daughter. we hope she will carry it around and always remembers how much we treasure her. how much we adore her. how our lives will never be the same without her. i keep pulling myself away from sleeping in her crib. i don't know why i want to but i am dieing to feel her. i want to be close to her. i still hate
realizing that wont happen physically.
dec. 25th. is just the first of many upcoming firsts we will have to experience without kenzie. we hope she follows us and we can show her a good time though.
dec. 25th. is just the first of many upcoming firsts we will have to experience without kenzie. we hope she follows us and we can show her a good time though.
after our christmas night o' fun j thought she was funny and made kenzie look like a fool-

well the cutest fool i have ever seen!
well the cutest fool i have ever seen!
oh how i miss this little girl. you sleep tight muffin. maybe stop by for a quick visit if you can. i could sure use a hug- im still aching all over for you.