.... Pictures will come maybe starting at 10 weeks ....
How far along? 5 Weeks
Total weight gain: None so far. That will change by tomorrow I'm sure.Maternity clothes? My sister is currently using all of my maternity clothes but her bebe is due any day so ill get them back soon.
Stretch marks? No more than the ones I got with Makenzie.
Sleep: Great.
Best moment this week: Seeing the little Disneyland gifts my sister bought for the BABY.
Miss Anything? Nothing yet.
Movement: None.
Food cravings: None.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing.
Gender: I have no idea but Ryan is certain its twin BOYS.... seriously...
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: None.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Seeing BABY at our ultrasound next week!
Hooray for being PREGNANT. Hooray for a baby coming in September. Hooray for Makenzies little brother or sister.
Ryan and I are making some HUGE life changing decisions right now. ON TOP OF THIS BABY. But that choice was super super EASY. I am soaking up every second of this pregnancy but I am honestly anxious for this month to be over simple for the rest of our life to somewhat lay into place. No matter what happens. I have a baby coming and I you cant get the smile off my face. I have promised myself and Ryan that I wont buy ANY baby things until I'm at least 10 weeks along. Other than some burp clothes that Ryan's Grandma is going to help us make I haven't made a single purchase. and that my friends, is HUGE for me. especially working in a baby boutique.
I want to THANK YOU all again for the mass amount of love and support. We are so lucky to have so many people who have prayed for us and hoped they would see a positive result along with us! Thank you for following our journey so far and I am thrilled to share the rest with you. The good and bad. Thank you for just being there.
Here's to 5 weeks down... 35 weeks to go!

One thing you missed Kendra:
Your Aunt Flo...but I think that's a good thing, yeah? ;) Congratulations again.
haha I'm impressed you haven't bought anything... I'd probably have things stashed away to bring out when I hit 10 weeks :)
I loved reading this post. It put a smile on my face. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you guys!!!!
I love how I feel a peace now when I read your post. So happy for you and Ryan. :)
I am so excited for you!! You deserve this blessing more than anyone I can think of! I can't fathom what you have been through, and you are probably the strongest person I "know" :) Praying everyday for a healthy, easy breezy pregnancy...and a healthy baby or babies!!!! I can't wait to follow this journey on your blog! And btw, how you work in a baby boutique, I have no clue...just more proof of exactly how strong you are!
Oooh... HUGE decisions. You've peaked my interest. I can't wait to hear about your first ultrasound!
I am so happy for you guys and I love your blog! In fact it was featured over on my blog today in a "Blogs I Love" post.
so excited to read about this pregnancy journey-so much fun and so well deserved! This little one is another lucky little one to have you both as parents and to have Kenzie watching over them! Hugs, Em
I'm so excited for you! I remember when I was going to my first ultrasound (although they made me wait until week 10 O_O) CONGRATULATIONS, again! Still praying for you guys and extremely happy for you. I can't wait to see all the developments.
So so so exciting!! I am so happy for you :) I have no idea how you can work in a baby boutique and not buy anything...you're good! The one thing I want is a baby and my hubbies not ready so I have a hard time with it sometimes. I think I'd go nuts working in a baby boutique. I can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!!! :)
Our husbands must think the same. Mine was convinced we were having twin boys every time because of the mass amounts of fertility meds we were on. Our first was a girl. Our second was a girl (we lost her twin) and our third was finally a boy. I think he'd still like those twin boys but I don't know if I can go through those fertility meds again. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see the ultrasound pics!!
Oh, Kendra, you just go right ahead and buy stuff for your baby!! Buy it. Smell it. Feel it. Hug it. Touch it. Wash it. Put it in drawers. Dream about it. And love doing it. I bought stuff for years and years waiting for my Trent. He was really the best dressed baby....which unfortunately has spilled over into his manhood. He loves new clothes and seems to want the very best!! Anyhoo---We are just so excited for you and Ryan. Can't wait to hear more about your baby and see your baby bump grow and develop. I can't think of a better way to start the new year. I knew 2012 would be wonderful and this news has made for a great year for all of us so far. Linds will have her little guy in April and you in September. Wow. I'm with Ryan. When I heard you were going to have a baby, I couldn't help but think "Oh, BOY!!!" Love you. Auntie M
I am smiling so big right now! I love to hear the happiness in your new posts. I can only imagine your little angel smiling from ear to ear, also, from seeing her Mommy so happy :) Thrilled to hear more updates!!!
Have you seen these, you could buy them now because you will need them by the time you are 10 weeks. I know ways around everything when it comes to shopping.
Congratulations! We used a donor with our 2nd and we love her to pieces. All the thoughts and fears I had about using a donor went right out the window as soon as we had her. Everybody says she looks just like her daddy too, we get a kick out of that. P.S. Im due a week behind you, we should be due date buddies! We used the same donor.
SUPER exciting news! So happy for you guys! And a bit jealous that you aren't sick at all {though, you deserve to NOT be sick}. :) I am 7 1/2 weeks and soooo sick! Hoping you stay healthy and strong and that September comes SUPER fast for you both! :)
HHOOOLLY SHHIIIITTT!!! You don't have to post that, I was just really excited for you:)
Soooooo happy for you both! What a great way to start off the New Year! Many positive thoughts and prayers to you on this wonderful journey! :)
Oh, I love this! I am so happy for you! :)
Yay Yay Yay!!! I'm so very excited for you and Ryan! My hubby and I are also due in September so we will be going through it together! :) I was so happy to see this post. I've been checking back every once in a while to see if you have posted if you were pregnant yet. I'm so happy for you. Good luck and I hope this pregnancy treats you well. :)
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