WOW... What an unbelievable amount of love and support you have shown us! We are so touched. Since we found out we are just elated. I am so thankful for this gift and I know how incredibly lucky we are. My heart just aches of all those other women who are wanting just what I have now.
I am praying for you. Praying you get your wish.
I know Ryan and I have so much in life and we have been blessed beyond measure.
I am soaking up the minutes I get with this little life now. I didn't take advantage of the beauty of pregnancy with Makenzie. I was so impatient (shocking right). I just wanted her here. I had a hard time bonding with this life inside me. I kept hearing everyone say how they loved being pregnant. I didn't get it. I felt ugly, fat and uncomfortable. Well I have to admit that this round I don't care if I gain a hundred pounds. To know I am growing this little life inside me. To know I will hold this child. To know I am going to be their Mum. Is more than anything I could ever dream. I know God has his own plan for us. I am lucky our plan came when it did. I am learning everyday how to be more patient. I know this is such an important lesson in life. I know I need to learn this for a million more things to come in life. God knows me. He knows you. We all have a purpose. We all have a reason.
This little life is so incredibly loved. Ryan and I cant stop pinching ourselves. We cant believe its real.
So ill tell you how we found out and how we told our family...
I said I was going to wait until January 10th before we tested. That was the day Ms. Flo was suppose to make her appearance so I wanted to wait get a fairly accurate reading. Well you should know by now patience is my weakness. I had tested twice the week before. Both negative. I didn't feel discouraged this time. I just knew in my heart God had a plan and if it wasn't this round. It would happen someday. Well on Sunday morning I just had a feeling maybe I should test. I didn't tell Ryan I was going to. I sat there and waited for the results. SERIOUSLY THE LONGEST 3 MINUTES OF ANY ONES LIFE!
As I kept glancing at the test I saw a plus sign forming. I thought my eyes were playing tricks so I went downstairs to get breakfast and came back like 30 minutes later. It looked like a positive sign. I decided to take another test. That's when I took the clear YES or NO one. After those 3 LONG minutes. A big fat YES popped up. HOLY MOLY. Then I took another... You know- just in case. and that one had a very clear PLUS sign. I was freaking out just a bit. We were going over to Ryan's parents that night and I thought of wrapping this little gift I had got Ryan and have him open it there to tell him the news. again I lack on patience and couldn't wait. I made it past lunch when I just couldn't hold back. We were in our bedroom and I asked Ryan if he thought I got pregnant this round. He looked at me weird and said.. "umm.. are you?"
I couldn't say anything I just started smiling and pulled out his gift. It was the little Utes hat and socks. He looked at it and looked at me and said... "SERIOUSLY." Then leaped up and grabbed me.
We just kept saying over and over--- oh my god--- oh my god---
I got that little blanket to give Makenzie when we ever got pregnant. We wrapped it up and took it to my Moms house. She opened it up and freaked. We then went to Ryan's parents and they did the same thing.
It was such a fun day.
I took 5 more tests over the next 3 days. ALL clearer than the last.
These 249 more days are going to seem like forever. But I am so excited that for the next 249 days I get to wake up and go to sleep with this little life inside me.

awwww Kendra you sure know how to make a girl cry!!!! to know first hand the joy of being prego and knowing you are blessed to be receiving this wonderful gift again!!!This baby is very lucky to have you both!!! Im most positive he/she will be soo spoiled!!!! Maybe twins? we shall wait!!! Hope all your dreams are coming true....
If I am excited for you as I am I can only imagine the excitement all of you are feeling! What a sweet way to tell your family and Ryan...I gave Bruce Miami Dolphins stuff when I told him we were pregnant (terrible team I know but he's a diehard fan!). I love the blanket you got for Kenzie and I know she is so excited for you all as well!! I am looking forward to hearing all about this pregnancy and seeing lots of pics of that growing belly! Thanks for sharing with us, there are so many people out here praying and sending our love to you all. Hugs, Em
I am so happy for you! The part about you telling Ryan you were pregnant brought tears to my eyes. I can just picture it! So excited for your family!!
Kendra you are so darling! Im so exicted for you guys..I felt so incredibly happy reading this post,and especially the part when you told Ryan! Such a special moment.
So excited for you and Ryan and happy to know that all of us will be able to be a part of this new journey. I didn't get to follow you when you were pregnant with Kenzie, so I am so glad I get to follow you on this journey ;) Praying for you and this new bundle of joy!!! Oh and I learned the hard way: Never pray for patience because God will really test you. So I just go day by day trying to learn patience now lol!!!
I'm so excited! I had a feeling that it was going to happen soon :-) praise god!
Congrats!! I am so beyond happy for you. You guys deserve it more than anything. You will be in my prayers these next few months as you always are. Not only is this little one loved by you guys so much it has so much love from people all over the world. I can't wait to meet this little person. Congrats to Makenzie too!! See will be a wonderful big sister, always watching over him or her. Much love!!
I'm so HAPPY for you guys! Congratulations! :)
Hi sweety. Just take in all the joy and happiness. This little life means so much to you Ryan and all of us. I am excited. Two more babies for my family this year. WOW. You already know how much I love my nieces nephews but oh the joy when I sew how much their children bring happiness to my sisters......well, there isn't anything that compares to being a grandma. I will always continue to pray for you and Ryan. I know your journey in life has had its challenges but they made you stronger wiser and prepared you for this time in your life. I am filled with joy today. :) Mary
This brought me to tears! so so happy for you guys!! Can't wait to hear all about your pregnancy!
Chills all over my body for you! So so so happy! I prayed this very morning for you! sending you love and prayers for a healthy happy prgnancy and baby! yay!!!!
I am thrilled for you!!
I am so excited for you. My whole team asked why I was crying -- it is hard to explain that a friend of a friend I've never met is pregnant -- Then I told them about Makenzie, Ryan, and you and it all made sense.
Prayers for your little one and each of you.
So excited for you congrats!!
I am so late to the party, but CONGRATULATIONS! I posted a comment to your other post, but I don't know what happened, somehow it didn't post. Anyway, I am so excited for the 2 of you! You both deserve this baby so much! I know how much he/she will be (already is) loved! God is GOOD! You were faithful and trusted in HIM and He has granted the desires of your heart! (I told you He was listening!) :) This baby is so lucky to be given parents like you and Ryan. I am so happy for 2 such deserving people! And Harley and Kenzie too! They will be big sisters! I can't wait to follow you through this journey! Take time to soak it all up! I will be praying for you and Ryan and this precious little one you are carrying! God is GOOD!
I am so over the moon happy for you! I have been praying and thinking of you and Ryan--hoping that you would be positive this time. Kendra, you deserve this new little life! I am so excited to see how things progress for you! Congrats!!!
Congrats again. Its so good to hear happiness in your voice..
Oh that is so wonderful!!! I have been thinking about you and praying for you. I am so very happy for you! Congratulations!!!
Hey, kendra and ryan, I am just back and reading the GREAT news - over the moon ! So so pleased for you :-)
I'm so happy for you, Kendra! These are such great news and such a testimony of what patience and prayer can do! Much love and tons of hugs!
aaaaaaaahhhhhh! I am a little behind and just read your last two posts!! What a miracle! I could not be happier for you guys! Congrats!!!!
Oh...I love this so much! And how blessed your little person will be to have their angel sister watching over them from Heaven. Pretty special! :)
I am so excited for you guys!!! Congratulations!!!! I am super excited to read through this amazing experience and can't wait to meet this little precious on here at the end of these 249 days!!! =) You guys deserve this precious life and he/she is getting some pretty amazing parents!!! Congrats again to both you and Ryan!!!! xoxoxo
A friend from one of my message boards linked me to your blog a while ago, but I only just got around to reading. She thought I would like to read it because we lost our first son to SMA type 0.
We went though IUIs with sperm donor and now have 2 beautiful healthy boys!
I had tears reading everything because of how many of those same thoughts and emotions ran through me.
anyways, Congrats again! That is really so exciting!!
Such HUGE and WONDERFUL news! Congratulations Kendra. Sending good thoughts your way. -- Victoria, Bill, and Gwendolyn
I am SO excited for you and Ryan!!! Congratulations!! I will be praying for this precious little blessing you're carrying and can't wait to hear about how your pregnancy is going!!
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