Oh these Cookbooks. They will be the death of me :)
Okay so not really but man oh man. I had no idea how hard they would be.
Just a heads up for anyone who is considering doing something like this to raise money, remember the fine print. Things like needing to pay the entire cost of every book up front, shipping the books to you is not included in any of the quotes they give you and when you have over 750 lbs of books coming to your house, it can get a bit expensive. When shipping, make sure you always ASK, ASK, ASK and ASK someone else. ALWAYS get a delivery confirmation. 98% of the time the mail always gets where its going but 99% of the time it takes longer than they tell you. Especially when you send media mail. So that brings me to shipping these cookbooks. I have chatted with a couple of you who have not received your cookbook about this but I wanted to make sure everyone knows especially if your going to place an upcoming order. I am sending all the cookbooks media mail. Its the cheapest way to send them. I am trying to keep the cost of it all as minimal as possible. I was told at the post office that media mail usually takes 2-3 weeks to receive. BUT that is during any month other than November - December. So any cookbook I have sent this last month was put on the back shelf and they will slowly ship them as there is room on the truck. I didn't know that at the time I went in to get prices on shipping. I actually just found that out after I got a couple people saying they still haven't received their cookbook. I have been in a few times to try and get more information about where these books are. But to keep the costs down and because of lack of knowledge I didn't think a delivery confirmation would be necessary so they cant track the books. Well the last 2 groups of books I sent (all books ordered after December 14, 2011) I got delivery confirmations on all of them so we shouldn't have the "lost cookbook" problem any longer.
As for those of you who ordered before that and I didn't get a delivery confirmation on your book, I am so sorry. I didn't think there would be such a problem getting them to you. I am asking those who still don't have them to continue to be patient. I am hoping and praying you get your book soon. I have tried holding off on sending more books only for the reason that I have had to pay for each of these books upfront and to send another I would lose money. I will absolutely do that if the book is missing but I have just tried to hold off a little longer hoping the ones I already sent end up being delivered.
I apologize to all of you who are having delays in receiving your book. I am so thankful that you have purchased a book and been a support to Ryan and I.
I'm sure if you have not already ordered a cookbook this might deter you from ordering one but I have made necessary changes to get your book tracked so we know its on its way.
We have TONS of cookbooks left. I would love to get more sold. There are some amazing recipes in there. I am using my book like crazy and everyone that has one loves it as well.

Would it be easier to come pick up the cookbooks from you? I wanted to buy a couple from you and I'm down there a lot. Let me know! ccbr17@hotmail.com
Shipping can be such a pain! Just a tip, if the books and package weigh less than 1 lb together you can go to paypal.com/shipnow and ship everything through there with delivery confirmation very cheaply. Delivery confirmation through the post office costs about .90 and on paypal it costs
.19 cents... hope that helps. Email me if you need more info!
Hi Kendra, as a regular blogreader I'd love to support you and I just ordered a cookbook. As shipping to Germany will probably be too expensive please do not send me one though, just take the donation. I would be glad if you would maybe email me your favorite recipe, but if not that's okay, too!
Greetings from Germany and all the best to you. Ronja
If I get an extra 20 bucks soon I am ordering one :-)
I wasn't sure how to contact you personally. But I have been following your story for just a little while. You are such an amazing woman, I am sure you hear of that everyday :) Have you considered adoption or anything like that? I just found out I was pregant. I have 3 right now and a 4th one would be a lot to take on. Have you ever thought of taking on a child of someone elses?
I have been following your blog for just a little while. You are such an amazing woman! I am sure you hear that everyday. Have you considered adoption of some sort? I just found out I was pregnant with my 4th child. 4 WOW! That would be A LOT to take on right now! So, I was wondering i you had considered taking on a child that is not yours???
I love the cookbook thank you so much...I love reading your blog your little girl is beautiful, I to have an angel in heaven my son Steven passed away 13 years ago at the age of 19 he drowned in the lake in a boating swimming incident....
Quick question, have you considered using a USPS Priority flat rate envelope, $4.95 and a FABULOUS way to ship. Not sure how this compares to the Media rate.
I just ordered my books!! I have followed your story for a while now and I am so glad you have shared with us your precious daughter and her life! I am happy for your family and hopefully you will become pregnant and get a sweet child to hold in your arms. My husband and I are starting the adoption process because I can't have anymore kids (we have one boy) because of health issues so i love that you came up with this great idea of making cookbooks to raise money and that I could help out a tiny, tiny bit because I know how expensive it is when you can't have children on your own. Good luck with your process and thanks again for shaing your life with us! I'm excited for my cookbook!!
I love mine! Everybody that reads this should order one...seriously. :)
Hang in there, Kendra!!!
Hang in there, Kendra!!!!!
I just received my cookbook the other day and I love it! I've marked tons of things I want to make. Well worth the money and wait time.
Amy Rich
I was reading another blog a while ago. I read a post and for some reason I've felt the need to share it with you. I hope it's not too weird, since we've never met (I found your blog from Ashley Sullenger's blog, which I found from anther blog, etc., etc.) Anyway...
This blog post is about embryo adoption. I didn't know there was such a thing. Maybe you already do, I don't know. Anyway, I hope maybe it can be of some use to you, or someone else. I pray you get your baby soon!
Hi Sara. Please email me livingformrw@hotmail.com. I would love to talk to you.
Thanks for the advice. Media mail is the cheapest but of they get lost in the mail I'm not sure it's worth the cheaper rate!
We have talked about embio adoption. I think it's definitly something we will consider in the future. And depending how this goes we have thought about going back to adoption. I dunno. Haven't changed our minds about what we are doing. Just thinking.
Kendra I don't care if my cookbook gets here in a month. I wanted to support you... The cookbook is a bonus!;) thank you for being so considerate... You are a sweetheart. Soak in all this love!!!! People clearly love your heart. All this for your Kenzie.... Oh the heart of a Mother. I wish I knew you in real life!
Kendra....I'm glad to hear you have cookbooks left. I will be ordering some soon. Praying for renewed joy for you this year and that you soon have another little miracle in your arms. Just as you probably do not know how many people you have inspired and encouraged, you also can not know the number of people who are lifting you up each day in prayer and support.
Thank-you so much for the cookbook. I was surprised how quick mine arrived as I am in England and it was Christmas and it looks AMAZING. I can not wait to try out some of the recipes. There are recipes in there of American food that I love and can not wait to eat again. I hope everyone else gets their cookbook soon.
I also found your blog through a blog through a blog through a blog, and have been reading for a while. You are such an inspiration to me. Thank-you for sharing your thoughts, good and bad, they have helped me more than you will ever know.
I got the three I ordered just fine. Thank you!
I have been following you for some time now too. I found you through The Sullenger's blog, which I found through someone else's blog... Anyways I love your passion and faith. You are so inspiring and I love how you've let so many people share your journey. You've been in my prayers and I am thrilled for you to be a mommy again, and have a family with Ryan.
BTW I would love to order a cook book. How do I go about that?
Suzanne - Calgary, Canada
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