Now that is off my chest lets talk about something more important.
I wanted to talk a little bit about my cookbooks and the leggings project. I still have TONS of cookbooks. I don't think I have even sold half of what I ordered which means I have yet to cover the cost of just the books. argh. I based the number of books I bought off the number of pre-orders. I talked to a couple other people who helped me gauge how many to buy so that's how come I came up with a big number. Its mainly because you guys are all such amazing supporters who jumped right on the ball of ordering/pre-ordering your book! Thank you so much to everyone that has purchased one-- or more. It means the world to me and I cant thank you enough. I hope I have caught up with all of you that for whatever reason didn't receive your cookbook. I have sent replacements and I hope and pray you got them. If not PLEASE email me! Send me your address and the date you purchased it and ill send you a replacement one ASAP! I am so so so sorry again for anyone that had an issue. I have talked to the post office seriously for hours and they cant tell me what happened to your packages. I have tracking numbers and delivery confirmations on everyone I send out now so there wont be any more issues :)
If you haven't purchases a cookbook I would love you for ever and ever if you did! Ryan and I are moving and would LOVE if we didn't need to move all those boxes that are piled in our kitchen.
The other thing I wanted to mention is Makenzie's Leggings Project. I know some have had questions as to what this even is. I started this 2 years ago in memory of Makenzie. Since she was SO tiny and seriously didn't fit into hardly anything other than newborn clothes which the pants were floods on her I started having her wear a onsies and leggings which was perfect for her tiny self and I made every pair of leggings she had. After she got sick and was in the hospital it was always so cold in the PICU and she couldn't wear clothes because of all those machines so I would put the leggings on her to help keep warm. They ended up becoming more of a fashion statement and her doctors and nurses would drop by daily to see which pair she had on today. I wanted to share this little bit of joy and love with all those other children at Primary Children's Hospital and make sure as many kids as possible could have their own pair of leggings. The first year we donated over 1800 pairs of leggings! They were gone within a few months. Everyone loved them. This last December we donated over 250 which I'm sure are already gone as well. My goal is to collect more than both years combined and donate 2000+ leggings this year. I would love to collect at least 1000 by July to take up there so they can have some now but if not July I will be taking them all on December 13th (Makenzie's Angelversary). To learn more about what leggings are and how you can help donate some please go HERE or HERE or HERE. You can also email me. I have a standard pattern for leggings if you would like to make them yourself or you can send me the knee high socks and ill sew them for you or you can purchase them already made. I have received a few pairs from some amazing people but I'm still well under 100 pairs so far. I know July is still 6 months away but wouldn't it be awesome to have them all collected before that so we can take them up sooner?!
I just wanted to share a very sweet note just I got from a PICU nurse about these leggings...
hi! I'm a nurse at PCMC and i just wanted to say how adorable and thoughtful your legging project is. We have quite a few babies up here with your leggings on. it brightens the room, adds cheer. it's also practical, we can still assess our little babies and it helps to keep them warm. THANK YOU! I'm sorry you've been through so much. thank you for being brave enough to put your story out there.
Isn't that amazing! YOU are all doing this. Its because of YOU and your incredible donations that so so SOOO many kids will have a smile on their face. THANK YOU so much to all of you that have donated, This year and through the past 2 years. I will forever be grateful for your endless support.
I hope you don't mind I am asking for more help. I feel that's all I do sometimes. I promise I'm trying to make a difference. I hope I am giving back half as much as what I have been given. We are so blessed and I thank GOD almost hourly for everything we are blessed with.

Kendra, I'm praying for you! And, that precious little one! Take care of yourself! Tell Ryan hi! :)
Great job on keeping Makenzie's memory alive! She is so lucky to have you as her mommy! ((hugs))
Are you just collecting these for girls or boys too? My newborn boy was in the PICU at Primary Childrens in December and I wish I had thought of this for him. If you are collecting them for boys too I would love to donate some boy print leggings.
Have you considered trying to team up with a company or etsy shop on the leg warmers? They could offer anyone wanting to participate in Mackenzie's Legging Project a discount. It would be free advertisement for them on your blog. I just thought I would suggest so it would help people like myself wanting to purchase be able to buy even more leggings. I am blessed to have a healthy baby. This is my way of giving back for my wonderful blessing. I'm so excited for you, Ryan and Mackenzie!
is there a pattern i can use? i have a TON of fabric at home and i know how to sew. please email me: and i will be glad to help out if i can :)
Kendra-I think you should post your cookbook on Pinterest. This way it will bring people to your blog where they can purchase the cookbook. I can help ya do it also, but once people see it, I'm sure it will lead to lots of sales! BTW-I love my cookbook!
A lurker coming out (ok I sent you an email once...I went the donor route and offered to answer any questions). I wanted to pass on information (you could pass on to other readers). I was at Hobby Lobby and they carry leggings. They are around $5 and with a 40% off coupon they would be CHEAP! So I will be getting some to send your way. :)
Denise WI
Hello Love! So I bought a cookbook but realized on my paypal account after I paid that the address is my old address. Do you ship these personally? My new address is
812 W. White Sands Dr.
Meridian, ID 83646
If you could send it to this address that would be awesome! Also, can I post about your cookbooks on my blog as well?
I would love to mail you some leggings I have. I understand you wouldn't want to put your personal address on here, but please let me know where I can mail the leggings to you.
I've made several leggings for you! Where do I mail them? You can private message me your address if you don't want to post it to your blog.
danivest AT gmail DOT com
Just ordered a cookbook! So excited to contribute and to start making some fun recipes! Also, tomorrow I will be going to purchase some knee high socks to make into leggings, and will be sending them as soon as I can! You are definately an inspiration Kendra, and I want to give back as much as I can!
I just ordered my cookbook! I am so excited to see my recipes published in a cookbook : ) and I cannot wait to try all of the new recipes!
Thank You all so much!
Kami- I got your new address and ill send it there. Thanks for updating me. and I would love if you blogged about it! Thank You!
and send the leggings to...
1224 East 1015 South
Fruit Heights Utah
Thank You all a million billion for helping and supporting!
Can you post the directions for sewing babylegs from knee high sock, maybe on your blog? I would love to do that and send you some.
I would like to order a cookbook - but need postage to the UK adding on. How can I alter the paypal payment?
For those wondering about sewing... these are the two tutorials I've been using...
Girl Baby Legs:
Boy Baby Legs:
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