Kendra: The movie PS I love you (I have watched 3+ times in 3 days), ice water, nail polish, dreams of a vacation, pinterest, new sheets.
Harley: bacon flavored treats, snuggling with mum, running in the snow, baths, toilet water.
So much we are looking forward to.
* a new niece
* seeing OUR baby on the ultra sound tomorrow. lets take bets. who thinks there is more than 1?
my vote is 1 but ryans vote is 2
* valentines day. only for the fact i have a whole vday themed menu planned (thanks to pinterest)
* snow storms
* getting a baby bump
* starting to plan a nursery
* super bowl party
* date nights
* painting our bedroom
* getting our back yard put back together finally after the wind storm
* little brothers wedding
we are so lucky to have so much in our lives. we are truly blessed.

Well, I had a dream you're having two, so I am sticking with cute little twins. :D So excited and happy for you two. Hope everything goes swimmingly.
You get to see your precious little one tomorrow? How exciting! I'm thinking there is only one little one in there, but two would be wonderful too! Either way, I know this baby is so lucky to be joining your awesome family! Have fun tomorrow! I can't wait to hear the details! Praying for you guys always!
I want to know what's on your Valentine's Day menu. (:
Can't wait to see some ultrasound pics!
Whether one or two, you are blessed. What a wonderful list to look foreward doing.
I think it's one. Sperm can't make you ovulate twice. Your chance of having twins is 1:65. So I'm gonna go the safe route and say 1. However if it IS twins, feel free to email me anytime. I know the twins pregnancy bible and my twins are almost 7 weeks old and I am breast feeding them both. So if you have any questions feel free to email me! :)
The moment I saw that positive sign, I had a strong impression you are growing a boy!
Enjoy today!!
Wow very busy months ahead of you guys!! LOVE twins . One healthy baby is all we truly want for you BUT twins would be fantastic!!! Good luck cannot wait to hear how many you are having,,
would be awesome if is two but i say is 1 beautiful,healty peanut. By the way i love the names Ryder for a boy and Raylee for a girl :)
Cant wait to hear how the ultrasound goes...1 or 2, heck, maybe 3! :-) I know you will both be thrilled no matter how many!! Take care and enjoy every moment, Love Em
Oh that will be so exciting to see your baby! Wouldn't that be great if you were having twins?!
Are you going to post what is on your Valentine's menu? I would love to get some ideas of what to make that day for my family. And I am looking forward to reading how your ultrasound went!
So excited for you, and cant wait to read about your visit. And I LOVE your list of things your looking forward to.
Ahhh I am soooo Excited that tomorrow you get to peak at the tiny little one that Miss Makenzie has been babysitting for all this time :o) I pray everything goes so well and you both come home on cloud 9! Hmm honestly I am just glad you are preggers! So one, two , three it doesn't matter I know that this baby or babies is coming to WONDERFUL partents!! And PLEASE post pics!!! YEAH Can't wait to read tomorrows news :o)
Ohhhhhh please tell us!!!!! I wont be able to sleep tonight =)
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