How far along? 6 Weeks
Total weight gain: -1.5 lbs. Not trying to lose weight but not totally complaining since I know ill gain a hefty amount by September.Maternity clothes? None.
Stretch marks? I have a few lotions are oils that have been recommended so I hope they help keep this answer to NO new ones.
Sleep: I could sleep all day.
Best moment this week: Ultrasound.
Miss Anything? I was wishing I we could go out for sushi the last few days.
Movement: None.
Food cravings: Sushi and spicy cheetos.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Morning and evening times.
Gender: Ryan thinks boy. I think boy.
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Sleepy, nauseous in the morning and evening. Puked twice now.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Seeing BABY at our ultrasound next week!
We had our ultrasound today and things went okay. Because they knew the day of conception they were certain of my due date. Well apparently sperm can live like 36 hours or something so I might not have actually got pregnant on December 27. They could see a little sac in my uterus but couldn't find a heartbeat. So we will be going back February 1st to get the ultrasound done again so the baby will for sure be over 6 weeks. They were thinking it was measuring around 5 weeks 5 days. Close but those 2 days make a world of difference.
and about twins... They are not sure. There could be 2 babies in the actual sac but the tech only saw one sac so the chances are slim of multiples. Although that would be amazing and so much fun. I am so over the moon thankful for 1 sweet little bean. I am anxious for next week to hear that heart beat and see it beating away. I am hanging on until next week. I have to document that the full bladder before an ultrasound is literally torture. HOLY HELL. Okay let me drink a few cups of water and another couple water bottles on the ride over then be told to sit in the waiting room for over an hour. Then be called back to have some chick shove a doppler through your abdomen into your spine smashing your bladder. I tinkled a little. Ill be honest. and I get to do it all over again next week. BUT seeing that baby is totally worth it.

ultrasounds are great! Congrats again, this is so fun!! Both Hubby and I thought boy but the rest of our families were not convinced until we had our apt last week and it was all boy! Also, I've been using bio oil, seems to help. I love your weekly update, it is so cool!
Congratulations!! Many prayers that you see that little heart beating away next week!
This might sound so random, but I have been following your blog for a while and I just read your q&a post. I read that you only get your hair done twice a year. I do hair and would love to do yours if you ever need it. I would even trade for a cookbook. Please email me if you would ever be interested. My salon is in West Jordan.
How exciting! I'm glad to hear all is going well! I am so happy for you guys! Praying for you always!
My hubby and I both thought are baby was a boy even after they told us he was a girl TWICE on ultrasound. At 22 weeks low and behold the "boy parts" showed themselves on ultrasound. We are over the moon for our 8 week old little boy!!!
Praying you see that strong heart beat next week!
Aw... this is all so familiar to me. (though our fertility clinic didn't do our first ultrasounds until 7 weeks). SO excited for you - I'd love to do all of this again!!!
thinking about you.{HOPE*SMILING*BRIGHTLY}%29
Aww, Congrats, and 2 days does make a HUGE diffrence, cant wait to read about your U/S next week. And where you this sick with Makenzie? Just wondering. I was always really really sick with my girls, boy's, not so much. But I'm over the moon for you..
Congrats!!! so happy for you!
You are so right- 2 days that early on can make a WORLD of difference! Praying for a healthy, strong heartbeat at next week's u/s/ and that you don't get too sick as the weeks go on!
With my son at 5 weeks 6 days there was no heartbeat visible for me, and a week later there was a very strong heartbeat! So excited for you. I'm sure everything will go great!
So excited for you! It will be so great to hear the heartbeat next time. With our first ultrasound at around five weeks, the heartbeat was really, really slow and faint, so we went back the next week or so and it was a lot stronger, every day makes a difference! :)
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