Maternity clothes? A few items but I mainly wear my regular jeans with a bella band or hair tie.
Stretch marks? Nada.
Best moment this week: Getting a very special present! I am seriously so emotional and excited about this. Ryans aunt Carma made this super cute polka dot blanket and gave it to me at one of Makenzies showers. I am sure you have seen this blanket- its THE blanket. Without trying she became obsessed with it. I tried to find another that was the same fabric so we had a back up but she was never happy without that polka dot blanket totally wrapped around her neck (loosely). It was the best healer when she was in the hospital. Nothing calmed her down like that blanket. She always had an arm wrapped around it. Its now become the thing I cant sleep let alone live without. I love that thing and have to admit its become a little discolored because of my extensive use but whatev. So I wanted to ask Ryans aunt to make baby T one since the last one was so special and such a huge part of our lives. I wanted baby T and Kenzie to have that connection from their Great Aunt. Well without asking this lady totally made and sent one! Seriously I just want to die. Its the cutest blue and brown and monkey blanket. Its so soft and I am already wanting to snuggle with it before baby T gets here. but I wont. Ill save it for him.
Miss Anything? Sushi. I want me some raw fish. Really really bad.
Movement: Yes.. Yes.. Yes.. He is a wild one sometimes but I have yet to feel him on the outside. and when Ryan puts his hand on my tummy he stops moving completely. Ryan thinks its because he doesn't like him- I think its because he is happy his Dad is close.
Food Cravings: Green Apples again... and CREAMIES. I could eat a case of those things. I may or may not have had 3 creamies for lunch yesterday.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Getting stuck under the stairs in the crawl space and squishing baby T. It was frightening. I was putting stuff away and somehow got logged between a few boxes in a bent over position. I couldn't move and my legs were straddling another box. I hurt myself trying to claw my way out. I am all cut up and my back is killing me. I worried I might birth this child under there. and it made me almost puke.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Still having a lot of back pain. My legs will go numb out of no where and then I wont be able to hold my body up and I crumble to the floor. My doc said its my sciatic nerve and if it doesn't get better ill need physical therapy. sooo I am just trying to take it a little easier when I start hurting.
Belly Button in or out? Umm my belly button is starting to have an end and that is so weird and kinda scares me. My button hardly changed with Makenzie so this is totally new. I think its because T is sitting really low so he must be shoving his arm through the hole. Makenzie was all about my ribs. I am not sure which is better. Honestly I am sick of pee'ing every time I cough, sneeze or breathe heavy.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: So very emotional. Geesh. I am so happy and so afraid all at once. The tears are just about as often as the pee. Its really a messy situation over here.
Looking forward to: Getting more things done in his room. Its already starting to be a nice fresh place. Relaxing and kind of an area of new beginnings. The rest of our house is one giant Makenzie shrine and I know his room will have much of her in there as well but its nice to have a place that is his.
Thanks for your kind words in my past few posts. You can probably tell I don't make much sense, I am all over emotionally and its probably best to just ignore me. I am glad I wrote the last post because after I did that I couldn't stop thinking about how silly I sounded the rest of the day and it helped me sort out so many things. I am scared to pieces about what is to come with baby T but who isn't. When you are having your first, second, third, tenth... Its just scary. Its a life. Its the most important life. That is a lot of responsibility and that is a lot of your heart you are putting into someone else. Ryan and I thank God everyday- several times a day- for both Makenzie and T. We know how incredibly blessed we are to have them apart of our life. Apart of our journey and we wouldn't change them for anything. Our life with Makenzie was the best part of life so far. Baby T has some big shoes to fill- and I'm sure he will do fine filling them. We are nervous, happy, scared, anxious, worried and a million other emotions when it comes to this next step in life. We are so ready though. For whatever happens. We are a family. We are a team. and we will live through it together.
.... on another note I need to ask some advice. Ryan and I are pretty much set on this baby name. We got out our baby name book and seriously went over all 100,000 names and nothing was even a contender to this one. BUT its really different. Its not listed in any name book or online anywhere. Whenever I mention the name to anyone they have to say it like 5 times before they get what the name is. Once they say it enough they usually like it because it totally sounds like Ryan. I love it but I'm not totally convinced that is his name. BUT I was never totally convinced Makenzies name was her name until well after we got her home from the hospital. I am just so anxious about the RIGHT name. I know they will end up fitting any name we choose but some names can kind of shape your future more than others. I mean I don't know of any doctors named Sparkle. Not that Sparkle wouldn't fit someone but its a weird name for a doctor. Dr. Sparkle. I dunno so I am trying to make sure no matter what he chooses to do in life his name can go with it.
Doctor, Lawyer, Chef, Car sales man, Gas station attendant, Computer nerd, Mechanic, Plumber, Farmer, CEO or Steel worker. I don't want his name to completely steer him in a certain direction.
So my question for you--- What is your thoughts on a name that is different? A name that isn't even listed in any name dictionary. A name that doesn't yet have a meaning. A name that people have to say a few times to really understand? I am not saying this will change our minds but I just wanted to see what others thought.
Thank you.
PS. If you haven't noticed I started listing some of my crafts on Etsy. I put a link at the top of my blog. I will keep adding stuff as there is much I craft. Hopefully its something some people might like :)

I love Asher for a boy!
My son's name is Jensen and while it's pretty common in the UK, it's really not here. More often it's a last name then a first! At first NO ONE but me and Rob liked it. Everyone thought it was awful (except my dad who liked that we were having a JT). But as soon as my son was born everyone agreed, it fits. My mom, who hated it the most, even says no she couldn't imagine him being anything other then a Jensen! So choose the name you like, and don't listen to anyone else or worry about anything else.
Hi Kendra,
I've read your blog for the past year and love all your updates and I am so happy for you and your hubby welcoming your new little one soon. I've never posted a comment before but I guess there is no time like the present...:)
I have 5 kids-Yes 5! We have a very common Last name, Anderson. We used to live in Utah...need I say more!? My Hubby and I also have very common names ie Nicole! So whenever I would go to the pharmacy or some place they would ask name...Ok, B-day....ok, SS# just becuase there were so many Nicole Anderson's out there! So I didn't want my kids to have that problem..Some hear their names and react weird but most love them and their oldest is a Boy Named Bracken, 2nd girl, named Nayvie ( if the names wasn't different enough I made the spelling that much more complicated! hahah). 3rd boy, Named Tytan he often goes by Ty. 4th girl named Kenadi(this is a complete defualt name..we couldnt decide on a name and this is the only name we could agree on I wanted Brinkley and the hubs wanted Saylor, we call her Adi and it's fitting) 5th but not last is a girl named Emery. They are by far not the most bizarre names but not your everyday names in each classroom. Can't wait to hear the name you've pick out for the little guy!
I love different names my daughter is MaqLynn (macklynn) the only downside I have found is everyone mispronouces or spells her name wrong it doesn't bug me but it is something u have to consider going with a different name but what ever u name him it will fit : )
Hey Kendra! i love your blog and thought I would comment about your unusual name question since i have one. My name is "Davilyn" (pronounced Dave-uh-lyn) and I am named after my dad, David. Growing up I hated it because I come from the generation where everyone was Jennifer or Stephanie and odd names were very rare. I was teased alot. My middle name is my grandmother's and very old fashioned. I tried to go by it and was also teased. As an adult, I appreciate that my name holds great meaning to my parents and sets me apart. Growing up I wish that they had paired my unusual first name with a more common name so I could have had option to go by one or the other. Both names being usual left me stuck. I also think that this generation of babies it has become a trend to go with usual so I am hopeful teasing will not be a prevalent as during my childhood. Take care and keep writing.
I LOVE different names. All 3 of my kids have different names and usually people will ask me so spell it or they just say it wrong.
My sons name is Kayston and my 2 girls are Brylee and Kenley.
BUT, just make sure you spell it like it sounds. I hate when a person has a name that is spelled totally different than it sounds! I'm sure Baby "T"'s name will be super cute!
My only suggestion with using a unique name is to make sure you at least spell it how it seems like it should be spelled. My name is Destini. My entire life everyone has spelled my name wrong. Now that I'm an adult it doesn't bug me as much but as a kid I HATED it! I can't wait to find out his name!
My daughters name is Tyleigh and a lot of people haven't heard it before. I live different unique names. My seconds babies name is Addison and that's crazy common, but it fits her. So I'm sure whatever his name is it will fit him and he will grow up and be amazing at whatever he does!
Kendra - what ever you decide on a name will be perfect for him. I have grandchildren with "different" names but they aren't different on them. Just suits them. You probably wouldn't name a boy Sparkle but if you did it would be the perfect name and he would probably be nicknamed Sparky. You are only pleasing yourself. So people have to say it over. If its what you choose, hurray for you. I am so happy for you.
I think as long as you love the name nothing else matters! Just a guess the name isn't by any chance Tyron? If it is I think the name is really sweet and I could totally see your baby boy being called that :D
Unusual names can be so great! All of my children have not so common names, especially in this country. My husband is Iranian, but even in Iran our children's names are not very common. They are Azreyal, my oldest daughter, Ashkon, my son, and Asha, my 20 month old. I am about 27 weeks and we are having another girl. We have not been able to decide on a name yet, but have narrowed it down to a few we love. It will be another Persian name! :-) Don't worry about your son's name leading him down a specific path in life. My oldest is almost 14 and she has not let her name define her path or stop her from accomplishing what she wants in life. His name, whatever you decide, will be wonderful and will fit him, whatever path he chooses to follow.
Oh I forgot--about your sciatic nerve pain....I have it too! This is my second pregnancy where I have had it and it is no fun. One thing I have learned it to keep moving, even if it is slowly. If I stand in one spot too long, it hurts BAD. If I sit too long in an L shape or 90 degree position it hurts BAD also. Laying down on my side helps, but not curled up! I did physical therapy with my last pregnancy and it did not help for me. I hope that if you do have to go that it will help for you. With me, I was only soothed for about an hour after each session.
Hi Kendra,
I found your blog through 2 others that I follow- The Johnson Adventures and Simply a Miracle x Two (Lenn and Gayle Johnson and their children Bentley, Abby, Owen and Angel Landry). Anyway I love reading your posts, am so excited for you and Ryan and wanted to let you know that you inspire me to be a better mom and to slow down and enjoy my sons more! My 2 year old is named Ziegen (Zee-gen) and we couldn't find that anywhere either. Yes I have to spell it everywhere, most people don't get it until they've heard it 5 times, and it has no meaning, BUT that's what I like- he will be the one deciding what his name means as he grows and makes his path in life- that right there is an amazing gift to give a child, all the options in the world and no 'meaning' to live up to! I hope that makes sense haha.
Staci Canfield
With a name like Shaless (which always has to be repeated and spelled and doesn't show up in any name books) I think I can give you a good perspective. In high school having such a unique name was hard because you meet so many new kids and teachers. I ended up going by Shay for a while just for simplicity. Otherwise I love having a unique name. There's no precedent for the character of someone with my name so I get to choose what "fits" my name. Also there is always a good ice breaker when meeting someone new because they always ask where the name came from. I like having a unique name enough that I'm set on naming my kids something that isn't common (we just named our little girl London Dane). I'm pretty sure all my sybllings feel the same and you know how weird their names are.
Tell Ryan not to feel bad that baby T stops moving when he puts his hand on your belly. The very same thing happened with my husband during my last pregnancy. I'm not sure my husband ever felt our little boy move. It turned out that he just had a completely calming influence on him. After our Oliver was born, my husband was the one who could always soothe him no matter what. He is definitely a daddy's boy still at 2 1/2.
Hi Kendra,
I honestly have to tell you that I love how you call him baby T.. My second oldest son's name is Tanner and we call him T, or T man all the time so when I see you calling your son that it makes me smile :). I have picked a bit different names for my girls, my two boys are a little more common, Jaden and Tanner. But our girls are Brinlyn, Rylan (because I loved the name Ryan for a girl and hubs didn't we settled for Rylan ) and our baby is Paisyn (payson). I just didn't want to spell it like Payson Utah, so I put a twist to it :) but funny thing is Brinlyn gets called Brinlee a lot and she hates it! I am not sure why people dont see the lyn on the end but oh well haha and Paisyn people see her name and pause like they are worried they will say it wrong haha! So ya what ever you name him it will be just fine!! He is all yours forever and thats all that matters :)
I agree with several other comments that an uncommon name is perfectly fine, but I would also recommend spelling it like it sounds which would help it be less confusing to someone who isn't familar with the name.
As far as your sciatic nerve pain. . .My step-mom has this problem (not pregnant). Her chiropractor told her to sit with one of her butt bones (you know when someone sits on your lap and you say, hey boney butt? That bone!) on a tennis ball anytime she is sitting for a length of time, especially driving. I think she does it primarily under the side that hurts/numbs but even switching sides still helps. It has something to do with taking the pressure off the nerve and pressure points by changing the angle of your thigh to hip ie. not exactly 90 degress when tennis ball is under there. Also, she only ever uses one tennis ball at a time.
I always read your blog and I think it is great. I do not really leave comments, but this one was different. My name has a meaning and no one else has it. It is a mix between my Mom and my Dad's name. I LIKE MY NAME. However, just like a few people have said I absolutely HATE that no one can spell it or pronounce it correctly. My daughter is almost 17 months old and I wanted a name with a meaning BUT I wanted something people could pronounce and spell. It is really annoying dealing with people who cannot say or spell your name... Even at major events like your college graduation... Just food for thought...
I'm sure whatever name you pick for baby T will be unique for him.
Hope your feeling better with the pain in your back.
I work in the healthcare profession and from that standpoint, as long as you spell his name like you want it pronounced or don't have a wig out when someone pronounces it wrong, whatever you pick will be awesome!! For example, there was a girl named (No freaking joke, I am dead serious!!): Abcde in translation was Ab-sa-dee..A-B-C-D-E is Ab-sa-dee...seriously? Anywho...if you spell it weird and not how it looks, inevitably it will be pronounced and spelled wrong 9 times out of 10! I always wanted to have bizarre names for my kids, but after working in healthcare that has drastically changed. My girls names are a little different, but they are spelled exactly how they sound: Talise and Kamberly. This is just my 2 cents from the standpoint of getting my head bit off from parents or people when I have mispronounced their name. I can't wait to hear what name you have chosen and I can't wait to see the little guy. You guys are going to be AMAZING parents once again!!
I work in the healthcare profession and from that standpoint, as long as you spell his name like you want it pronounced or don't have a wig out when someone pronounces it wrong, whatever you pick will be awesome!! For example, there was a girl named (No freaking joke, I am dead serious!!): Abcde in translation was Ab-sa-dee..A-B-C-D-E is Ab-sa-dee...seriously? Anywho...if you spell it weird and not how it looks, inevitably it will be pronounced and spelled wrong 9 times out of 10! I always wanted to have bizarre names for my kids, but after working in healthcare that has drastically changed. My girls names are a little different, but they are spelled exactly how they sound: Talise and Kamberly. This is just my 2 cents from the standpoint of getting my head bit off from parents or people when I have mispronounced their name. I can't wait to hear what name you have chosen and I can't wait to see the little guy. You guys are going to be AMAZING parents once again!!
As another person said, please PLEASE spell tr name phonetically or the way it sounds. My name is Allison. When I was born, my parents wanted to be creative so they spelled my name Alycon, pronounced Allison. I swear in my ENTIRE life maybe 2 people pronounced my name correctly... I dreaded substitute teachers and dr offices because of how humiliated i felt about my name.
When I was in college, I went to court and had the spelling of my name legally changed. I LOVE my name now. It's so nice to be "normal" for a change. I also watched a documentary on how employers have prejudice toward applicants who have a weird name. They are less likely to get even an interview, much less te job. I can't remember the name of the documentary, but when you think about it, it makes sense.
In summary, name baby T what your heart tells you, but please make te spelling easy to read!
I was told to introduce yourself to people you don't know with the name (so your hubby can do it) and see how butchered it gets. If you can handle it, go for it and who cares what other people think anyway. We chose Jeremy, Amelia and Mabel so we're on the traditional end.
~skylar meinhardt
Baby T's name is special to you and that's the important thing about it. My only suggestion is to be sure it doesn't rhyme with any body parts. The teasing would be awful!
Hi Kendra, Exciting that you are over half way done already! So I also am crazy and have 5 kiddos! I had the same pinched nerve problem with my legs going numb if I stood for more than like 15 min! I used a maternity belt! Saved my life! You can get one at motherhood or here is a link
I also love unique names. I had 4 boys and then a girl
My oldest is Brexan pronounced (Breck-son) he gets called Braxton or brexten all the time. He loves that he has a unique name and that I made it up. My second son is Dylan (common) Then I have Stetler not common at all! And then Bridger (kinda common) And my little girl is Ava Sabrie. I have a name blog I like a lot of different names. Good luck! Kelsi
As a teacher here--please spell it how it phonetically. That way most people will get it correctly if they can read! My interest is piqued! Can't wait to see what you've chosen for this loved little boy.
I always wanted strong names for my boys. We decided to use surnames for middle names instead of the typical ones. We have a Cole Buchanan, Dillon Chandler and Sloan Forester. None of them are family names. (Though my niece's middle name is Jensen, my mom's maiden name). I would try to imagine it on graduation announcements and wedding invitations. Think of what the initials might spell, if anything at all. If it rhymes with something. When in doubt, ask a five year old... they can always rhyme it! Good luck!
I love love different names! After much debate we decided on Bridger. It's perfect. I love how people ask me several times "what is it?!" lol! Not everyone likes it but it's not for them to like it, we love it. You will figure it out and it will be amazing!!
Hello, I just wanted to say hi. I am Nicki and I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl! She is absolutely gorgeous! What a precious little face! I also lost a daughter. I was 29 weeks pregnant when I had a placental abruption in August of 2011.I will be praying for you and your family during this next pregnancy. I will pray for peace and health! Have a great day and God bless!
Hi Kendra, i have read your blog for about a year now and check it often. i felt i had to write on the "different" name one cuz i was the same way. my husband and i LOVED the name Addison and was so set on naming my first daughter Addison Catherine... as time went on i starting hearing that name EVERYWHERE, EVERYDAY, and thought i want a more unique name for my lil girl so i struggled. i fell in love with the name Mckinley my hubbs not so sure (but i won) i learned it was a masculine name, plus a mountain in Alaska and thought i can change it up i starting searching for ways to spell it (Makynli, Makinli, Mckinly) and so forth. i finally settled on spelling it Makinley, i would always ask my friends if they liked it at and at first i got mixed reactions but now when people see her and ask what her name is they all love it.
so anyways the reason i decided to write you is the best advice i was given that helped me when i was struggling with a name was this.
" Some of these names may be a cute name for a little girl but not a 80 year old woman"
so im gonna give you that same advice cuz it really helped me. and i figured when shes older (80) she can go by Catherine (her middle name) if she so chooses.
So make sure the name your giving him sounds good when hes a old man :) i hope this helps! Good luck on the name process!!
Name him what you feel is fitting and it will be good. Others will come around and he will be whom he is supposed to be regardless. We let others talk us out of our first favorite name of Montee for our son. Turns out, it was for the best. We named him Sullivan. The first time I laid eyes on him, he was my Sully. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and your labor and I will continue to stalk your blog:)
Not a huge fan of "different names." I have a test-- the name has to be appropriate for a Supreme Court Justice-- i.e. can you imagine a Court Justice with that name? If it passes the test, that would be a good name (in my opinion). Just my 2 cents though and I realize not everyone will agree.
So I had the same problem with names. It is such a tough decision and then they are suck with it forever. My oldest is Saylah and I absolutely love it, she changes her mind every week, but she's 10 so we'll see when she's an adult.
I think your partially right about how kids grow to fit their names but sometimes I think the baby held in the decision. I named my 2nd daughter Peyton. After about a week I just really did not feel like it fit her. I started calling her by her middle name, Naomi. At first I was fine with just mom calling her Naomi but by about 6 weeks old I just wanted to yell at people who called her Peyton "That's not her name!" So I changed it. Turns out you can change your child's name within a year of birth for free. Now I could never see her as anyone else. Knowing this made me feel slightly less stressed out when I named the next 2 children, which of course I got right the first time. Either way I'm sure whatever name you go with will be great, and congrats.
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