Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Anniversary

We have thought for the last year about what we would do for our 5 year anniversary.  We thought about a big trip, a little trip, doing nothing... As this year has gone on we have changed our minds about a million times.  So as October came to an end and we had nothing planned I scrambled to plan something.  An email from our favorite Bed and Breakfast- Johnson Mill- came just in time.
50% off special!
I was all over it.  I picked a different room than we usually stay in just for a little change.
The HONEYMOON suite.
Ryan and I both ended up working on our Anniversary but we took the next day off.
I woke up the morning of our big 5 year mark and came downstairs to...

Love Him

Ryan came and picked me up after I got off and we were headed to Midway.
We were both starving so we grabbed our romantic dinner of taco time to go.
Checked into our room.
Started a fire.
Watched a movie.
and had a great night.

The next morning we
Slept in then ate our breakfast in bed.

We laid in bed until the last possible second.
Checked out.
Stopped to visit my sister. I forgot all my fall decor for her at home so we improvised.

Headed to Ryan's heaven on earth (Cabelas)
Stopped by my OB's office to get blood drawn.
Ran into Zurchers party store to get a new helium tank.
Headed home to smoke some ribs.
Ate the yummiest romantic dinner.
Then Ryan went to bed while I stayed up... 
Because... I went to the midnight showing of Twilight with my MIL and Sista.
BTW-- I loved the movie. Ah eye candy.

I can officially say Ryan and I had a very special day and fell just a little more in love :)
Life is definitely not perfect.
We have our issues I could write a novel about but what I love most about us... 
Is that we are a definite team. No matter what happens we end the day working together to get through it all.  I am so lucky to have a partner. and know we are in it forever.


Anonymous said...

I recently started following your blog. I enjoy every post, your a very strong girl.
Happy anniversary you and your hubs are too cute. I love it. You can follow my blog that I just started The Dorsey Family. Have a great day!!


Rosalie said...

What a GREAT couple of days it sounds like! You guys are just awesome! You are definitely lucky with that man of yours! Isn't it GREAT to have a team mate! I know what that is like and to have someone who adores you and will stand by you forever! You guys are a GREAT example to us! Thank you so very much! Congrats on 5 years!

Emma said...

I am so glad you have one another, the good and the bad, and I know Kenzie is so proud of you both!! You are going through the toughest thing a couple can, and although you of course have your troubles, you always come back to one another!! You are amazing. So glad you had a great anniversary, you deserve it! Love ya, Em

Anonymous said...

Oh so sweet! I remember when my husband and I hit our 5 yr anniversary--2 yrs ago. It was such an accomplishment and itdoes take some work. Congrats you and Ryan!


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