My Ry Ry turned the big 2-8 on July 20th.
When we were thinking of what to do for his birthday this year the only thing he requested was to go to the cabin. Welp--- what he wants he gets especially on his big day so we planned a little getaway.
Ryan took Thursday and Friday off and we were going to make a long weekend out of it.
Ryan's plan was to leave at 5:00 am on Thursday morning.
I shrugged my shoulders and said whatever.
Turns out he didn't feel like waking up that early when 4:00 am rolled around so we slept a few more hours and were on the road at 7:00 am instead. Harley was bouncing around the house all morning because she knows where we are going when we get her overnight bag out. She couldn't stop running from one end of the house to the other. She loves the cabin.
We grabbed some breakfast, only made a few quick stops, had 1 mishap and we were pulling into our destination around 11:00 am. Harley ran around, we set up our stuff and the vacation began.
- I have to tell the mishap story... So the entire week before we came down to the cabin we had people staying with us. Our friends, then my brother and his family came the day they left. When people are there she gets a little anxious and didn't really eat. I had a feeling her tummy was a little upset the night before we left but figured she would be fine. We made a few stops and she went potty every time.
We are now within 15 minutes of the cabin, harley is hanging her head out the window enjoying life we are anxious to get out of the car... I turn around and see harley starting to squat. I start screaming at Ryan "pull over-- pull over-- she is squatting". We are on a 2 lane stretch of road and there is no place to pull over. I don't know what came over me but the second I saw that first poo fall out of her I threw open the back door and out she went. There was a slight hill and all I saw as we kept driving was her rolling down the mountain. Ryan was yelling- what are you doing? then starts gagging because the smell hit him and stopped in the middle of the road and jumped out. I jumped out realizing what I just did to Harley and freaking out that I killed her. I look over and she is prancing around the field and happy as can be. Ryan and I searched for something to clean her poo up with and found nothing. We were not prepared. We found 2 dried up baby whips and used that to clean it up as best as possible to get us to the cabin. Harley came back to the car and we checked every inch of her and nothing was wrong. I felt so bad but I was glad she didn't get hurt. It all happened so fast I don't know what I was thinking. She didn't have any more accidents thank God and now we cant stop laughing about it -
Its hard to see but Harley is watching a deer. she is a pro at the whole deer thing and just sits there and shakes uncontrollably when she sees them but wont bark. she has learned well.
Ryan worked on his 4wheeler and did some projects.
Ryan's Dad Randy and BIL Shaun were coming later that night and we couldn't wait for them to get there but its always fun to have some time just us. We ate at a yummy pizza place, road around on the 4wheeler, took harley on a hike and went on a long drive in the evening.
Randy and Shaun got there that evening.
The next morning the rest of the crew arrived.
it was Ryan's Birthday!
There was a lot of relaxing, going on rides, shooting bows, fixing trees, getting bday ice cream and bday giant mountain dews, playing, painting and loving the day.
Lucky duck Ryan was spoiled with a million "Happy Birthdays" from his adorable niece Addi. I think she said it every 5 minutes the entire weekend. It was so cute.
He was also spoiled with great gifts.
I did something a little different this year and did 20 days of birthdays for Ryan.
Since July 1st he woke up to a little gift and a note each morning.
Somethings were as small as a candy bar but he got some good stuff to like new shoes!
Okay so that was his actual present for his birthday. Some stuff was really lame but I think he had fun seeing what treat he would get that day.
Shaun made this for us. Isn't it amazing. The wood is from some down there at the cabin and he hand burned the balloons and MRW. I almost died. It is amazing. We love it.
One of Ryan's most favorite things to eat is his own ribs. and trust me, they are to die for.
Well we had his whole bday dinner planned complete with peach cobbler instead of cake since he isn't a fan of cake. We were getting everything ready and when Ryan went to open the package of ribs that I JUST bought he was hit with the most horrific smell alive. The ribs were completely rotten. and the smell took over the cabin. It was disgusting. We were all pretty sad the rib dinner didn't turn out but we improvised and made chicken and rice which turned out so yummy.
I made the peach cobbler and it turned out really good as well.
Addi stuck all the candles in and we sang to the birthday boy.
I sure hope Ryan had a great birthday. He seemed to be on cloud nine the whole day just being at his favorite place in the world and doing everything he loves most.
Saturday morning we ate a yummy breakfast and started the day right away.
Addi and I took Harley for a walk.
Ryan used his tree stand.
I almost had a heart attack watching him use it.
How in the world did I ever let this purchase happen?
He wanted to go higher in the tree but I threw a fit and he only went semi high.
ahh the anxiety of his hunt is only growing now.
Baby Easton and Harley had fun together. Harley loves babies and loves when they poke and pull at her. Its pretty cute to see. Easton is so close to walking and was all over the place there.
TK and Easton will be almost exactly a year apart so this was a nice little preview of what we have to look forward to this time next year. I cant wait to see these boys playing together.
Ryan's aunt Carma and cousin Derek came up for the day and it was fun hanging out with them.
They live a little further away so we don't get to see them a lot. They are so fun to be around.
The boys all love to play together and play tricks on the rest of us.
They found a horny toad and decided it would be fun to put that thing on all of us.
I honestly hate those things more than almost anything in this world. They creep me out.
Derek is putting it to sleep here.
Love these little babies.
The evening ended with yummy dinner and cobbler again. Chatting for hours. Fire.
We were all so exhausted and ready for bed.
especially this girl...
(don't you love Harley's sweatshirt)
The next morning we loaded up to head home.
We had the best time and we were not ready to go home.
We loved having such great family time and cant wait until the next time.
It wont be until next year for me because we are getting to close to this little boys arrival to be that far away from home. It will be so fun to go back with baby T.

It looks like y'all had a blast! Happy belated birthday to your hubby!
So glad you all had fun, looks like the weather was beautiful for you and the mountain was gorgeous! Can't wait for the post here in around 5 weeks or so that says baby T is here!! :) yeah so excited for you all!
Oh my gosh I almost died laughing that Harley mishap was so funny! Literally tears streaming down my face. I needed that pick-me-up, so thanks!!
Megan G.
The cabin you go to looks like such a great place to relax! So glad to read that Ryan had a good b-day!
Aww looked like sooo much fun, no photos of you?! Harley is so adorable, what breed is she?
You are the sweetest lil' wifey. The cabin looks so fun! I hope you're feeling okay. Let's do another breakfast/lunch soon - that was fun.
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