Maternity clothes? The majority of this week has been 100 degrees +. I don't think its fair to expect pregnant women to live in this kind of heat let alone be dressed in this heat. Who wants to see this ever expanding body? No one. Not even me. but maybe we should be able to have like some kind of nude pregnancy resort we can run away to...
Best moment this week: Celebrating Rykers birthday, friends, family, swimming, doctors appointment.
Not so good moment of the week: No sleep. Insomnia is back...
Miss Anything? It would be nice to be able to shave my legs without smashing my baby in half and feeling like I am going to pass out... Its really tricky to work around this belly. and shaving other areas--- lets just say it will be nice to have a normal view again.
Movement: All the time. All night long...
Food Cravings: No cravings right now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Feeling fine. Just exhausted all day and cant sleep at night.
Gender: BOY.
Symptoms: Heartburn has been a beast this week. Its so weird because I haven't really had any heartburn with this boy and that was one of the first symptoms with Kenzie and was horrible all throughout my pregnancy.
Emotions: This week has only been a little better because I have been even busier which has left little time for tears.
Looking forward to: Family being in town and celebrating Makenzie and Ryans birthday this week. I cant believe we have a 3 year old and I cant believe I have will be celebrating 7 birthdays with my best friend.
Doctors appointment went good. I didn't get to see my OB again because he was delivering a bebe. So crazy to think about all the miracles he helps welcome into the world everyday and that in a short amount of time he will be welcoming ours. eek. Its so surreal. His nurse did my checks and I just love her. They are the most amazing team and I know if we ever were to move I would be driving or flying back here to have them watch over my pregnancy. TK is still measuring a full 14 days ahead. Cindy laughs and just tells me to prepare for a big boy. I imagine this little squashy muffin and just cant wait to eat him up. He is head down still using my bladder as a play toy. His heart rate was perfect and super strong. I lost 6lbs since my last apt which was less than 2 weeks ago. I was scolded but explained I have been eating no less and just super busy. She said she expect that to not happen again but isn't near as worried because I am still measuring bigger. I am not concerned at all because this kind of happened before with Makenzie. For some reason my body gains quite a bit in the first trimester... slowly increases in the second and pretty much doesn't gain any in the third. I just stay the same weight and the baby keeps growing. We will see by the end what happens this time but so far its been the same as with Makenzie. Speaking of... I cant believe 3 years ago today I started having crazy contractions that kept me up all night starting today. They never got close enough to go to the hospital (around 10 min. apart) and didn't happen at all during the day just all night long. It was a rough couple of days before she finally decided to make her entrance.

1 comment :
I am so happy to hear that you are now 31 weeks! Time will start to fly by now!
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