The last 2 months in pictures.
Life has been a bit crazy but we are enjoying it the best we can every step of the way.
In no particular order
. lots of visits with the Mini, always something new .
. projects on the house- Ryan will improvise on how to get things done .
. snow storms and sundance .
. harley vs. the mini .
. new years .
. harley is getting older .
. considered moving to wyoming, decided not right now .
. new niece .
. first present for the baby .
. dance recitals .
. er visits .
. lunch dates .
. nap time .
. packing up our house which means playing on all those toys that have been put away .
. superbowl .
. endless hours in the bath .
. gender predictor clearly telling us we are having a BOY .
. movies .
Like I said we have been very busy. Some of those BIG decisions I have hinted about the past couple months have all pretty much been made. We were thinking about moving to Wyoming- going there looking at places but ultimately decided it wasn't the right time. Decided we are still going to be moving but we will be staying here in Utah for the time being. Ryan's starting school. I'm starting once again. I was all signed up for the spring semester but the move to Wyoming was looking pretty serious and if we went we would be going quick so I decided to wait and see where we are in the next couple months to decide what to do. This pregnancy is so completely different than with Makenzie which leaves me convinced this is going to be a little boy. I am sick- all the time. I still cant breathe and I am already starting to gain that belly. Ryan is busy at work. I am busy packing. Moving in was so much easier than moving out. I'm exhausted which leave me feeling pretty worthless around the house. Maybe sometime soon ill get that energy back. I do remember this with Kenzie. We are selling Ryan's truck. We have finally got it where its almost a brand new truck and we go and sell it. Guess that's how it always happens :) Lots of changes. Lots of improvements. Lots of things to look forward to.
Happy Days!

Kendra, you are such an amazing and strong person to me and I've never even met you. I read your blog every week and love everything you have shared with the world. Your little Makenzie is so beautiful!! My heart hurts for you because of all that you have went through but I'm so excited for you to be welcoming a new sibling for Makenzie into this world. Weird question but where did you get the gender testing thing?? I just found out a while ago that I'm expecting too and our delivery dates are very close. Kind of fun hearing your prego stories as I kind of know what you are going through. Love your BLOG!!!!
Congrats on the amazing news!!! When is your due date? So we got the gender test as a gift but they bought it through amazon. I have also heard you can get them at walgreens. Let me know what it says you are having!
Thanks for replying as I know you are extremely busy and sick!! I have to have another ultrasound this week because the date of my last period and the date that I conceived is all weird if that makes any sense. I really think it will probably be September 20??? or sometime around there. I am forsure going to find one of those tests as it will be fun to see if is will be correct or not. I already have two little boys so I would be happy with a girl but whatever I'm blessed with I will be great with. I'll keep in touch with ya.
I was soooooo much sicker with our boy. I had two ultrasounds that said he was a girl and I just kept thinking he was a boy. At 22 weeks his boy parts finally showed himself.
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