Really I hated writing the title of this post.
How has it been so long since my muffin went to heaven?
and that number is only going to get bigger.
I want to just freeze time. Go back. Back to her. That feeling will never go away. I hate that.
I miss her.
Kenzie Day #26 was Valentine themed dinner and a heart attack.
The kids all made hearts and valentines to give someone they know a "heart attack". If you don't know what that is--- Its where you put lots of hearts all over someones door step and leave. Its suppose to be a little anonymous act of kindness to brighten someones day. The kids ended up writing their names on everything so their heart attacks will not be so anonymous. But that's okay.
Hopefully it will make someones day.
Happy Kenzie Day my little Muffin. I hope you are having an amazing day in heaven. You know its 2 of your aunts birthdays today. 1 of them is in heaven with you. I bet you guys are having a wild party as she turned the big 35! I can only imagine who she would be. I hate thinking how long its been since I have seen her. How much I miss her. How much I pray she is happy. I can only imagine you 2 girlies. I'm sure she is showing you the best ways to live. She could bring a smile to any ones face. I am thankful and comforted when I know she is taking care of you. I know she will keep you happy. She will give you all those kisses and hugs I long to give you. She will tell you about me. She will tell you about your Daddy. She is full of good. She is full of beauty. Give her Happy Birthday kisses. Tell her how much I love her and how I have missed her so much these last 15 years. Tell her I am honored that she has you. Kenzie please hold me close. I need you. I am having a hard time. Missing you so very much. Wishing you were in my arms. Makenzie Rye I love you. I love every inch of you. What I wouldn't give to have one more day with you. I would hold you close to my body. Feel you breath. Smell you. Kiss you. I would give everything for just 1 more day.
Happy Heaven Day my Love.
Happy Birthday Donette.
and to my other incredible sister who I couldn't imagine not having in my life here on earth--
Happy Happy Birthday. I am thankful for you and for all those hundreds of times you have saved me.

Your Kenzie Days are just beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
Love the Kenzie day!!! Hope you receive tons of kisses and (((hugs))) from Kenzie today!!!
I love all of the details you put into all of your Kenzie Days! It is really beautiful!
Don't know what it is like to lose a child (hope I never do and I am so sorry that you do) but I do know the loss of a sister. I am so sorry for you. I'm glad it comforts you with Kenzie!
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