How far along? 15 Weeks
Maternity clothes? My goal was to not wear a single maternity anything until 15 weeks and I honestly didn't need any so far. Is you can tell I am definitely growing but I could still do up my jeans and shirts fit just fine- other than showing off what others will think is my lovely muffin top. However just 2 days ago I woke up and my pants all the sudden wouldn't button. Just like that. Overnight. So I am officially wearing the hair-tie around the button of my pants.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: If I am asleep I am sound asleep but I have been waking up around 1:00am almost every other night and not being able to go back to sleep.
Miss Anything? I am craving cookie dough. Not the kind you can make that wont poison you but the kind with raw eggs in it. Yeah I'm resisting, barley.
Movement: Every so often I think Ill feel the baby move but I am not sure yet.
Food cravings: Milk.
Gender: Ryan and I are officially in the middle. We were so certain before now but for some reason we are both now thinking it could be the opposite of what we have thought all along. So we have no idea. The unknown is driving us mad. We are so set on 2 names. 1 for a girl and 1 for a boy and we are just anxious to know what we can actually call this little one.
Labor Signs: No but I have been having really weird cramps. Agh. They hurt.
Symptoms: I wonder if this will seriously keep changing every week. It seems something new comes up and when I look it up online its normal when pregnant. I have been waking up pretty regularly with bloody noses and this entire week I have been having a major headache that lasts all evening. Its so bad I cant do anything but lay down and push on my temples. again apparently these are all normal when pregnant.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week I have been sooo happy. Thinking about this little person. Thinking about Makenzie. Thinking about Ryan. I am trying to remember how simple life is and how all those hard decisions really are just second to my family. and my energy has been back some days so its always nice to be able to do things.
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex of the baby!!!!
Okay friends... We have been debating when to find out the sex of the baby. At first we said right at 15 weeks we are going in and finding out what we are having. Then we said well lets save some money and just wait until our 20 week ultrasound. and now we are both just so anxious to find out that I am not sure if we will make it 5 more weeks. If you know nothing else about me know I am absolutely the most impatient person in the world. I cant wait for anything. I am not a huge fan of surprises and I just want everything asap. So having the option to know what we are having but waiting is taking every last bit of energy out of me. We will see how long we wait. I'm not putting any bets on a time frame. We will just take it one day at a time I guess. BUT I am so anxious to know what you think. Is it a BOY or a GIRL?
I am doing a giveaway for a special person. Just leave a comment with your guess and when we find out ill draw a name of someone who guess right and you will get a wonderful gift!!! Who doesn't love free stuff?
So do you want to know what you will win?
A super cute Pillowcase dress! Okay so I know not everyone has a girl but you can always gift it to someone. The material isn't the same as what is pictured above. It will be a surprise but I promise it will be darling. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and good luck guessing...
or GIRL?!!

Hmmmmm I am going to guess Girl!!! =) You are more patient than I was! I think I had my appointment at fetal studios scheduled for 15w 6d as soon as I was 14 weeks! I could not wait! =) Hope we get to find out soon!
I'm going to guess it's a GIRL :)
Hi Kendra! I've been reading your blog for awhile now. So excited for the both of you!! I know exactly how you feel and wanting to know and NEEDING to know so you can plan! I was the same way! I'm going to say that it's a boy. Just a hunch I have. Good luck & Congrats!!!
Hi Kendra! I've been following your blog awhile now. So excited for you and your family on this new little life!!! I couldn't wait to find out what my kids were either! I'm like you - have to know, need to know in order to plan! I'm going to guess - BOY. Just a hunch! Best of luck & Congrats!!
First let me say that I am so happy for you guys!!! I've been following your blog for sometime now. Your story has truly touched my heart!
I'm guessing Boy!!!
Love your blog! My guess is a boy!
Hi Kendra and Ryan! My guess is the healthiest, cutest little BOY! So excited for you guys to find out, and yeah patience is not my strong point either, lol.
Boy :)
So happy for you!! my guess is GIRL!! :)
My guess is BOY!
Girl!!!! You're symptoms seem too obvious. Lol
I am going to guess Girl! :)
GIRL! You look great!
I'm thinking a boy!
You really look great! My guess is that Mackenzie will send you a baby sister. I have a 10 months old daughter, I would love love love to put her in that cute dress (would pay for overseas shipping of course if I win). Wishing you all the best for the next 25 weeks!
I'm so exited for you and Ryan! I'm going to guess boy! I have a little girl named Ryann (pronounced Ryan) who will look fabulous in that dress! :)
i think it's a girl
My guess is Boy!! And my guess in based on science. Male sperm are much faster swimmers than female sperm! But female sperm are much stronger and live longer. So if you are inseminated the day you are ovulating, you are more likely to have a boy. If you are inseminated a day or two before you ovulate, all the male sperm will most likely have died off, so you are more likely to have a girl. Of course this is not 100%. Some women have a high Ph level, and this can kill most of the male sperm before they even have a chance to get to the egg. But I'm still gonna go with BOY!! Good luck!!
Everyone guess girl for us. I knew it was a girl. I even went out and bought girl clothes. Boy were we ever wrong! But, I'm going to guess GIRL for you!! :)
Im going to guess a baby girl! You look as cute as a button :) ( I lost my 7 month old baby daughter Kamdyn almost 6 years ago in an accident.. 11 months later I found out I was pregnant and we were blessed when with another baby girl,Payton..we make sure Payton knows she has a big sister in heaven. It is hard for her to understand and alot of the time she asks "is Kamdyn ever going to come out of the sky so we can play?" I promise you will find joy again :) The pain never goes away,just like in your last just learn to live that life.. Lots of love from Ashland Ky!!! ~ cari ~
i think BOY! mama's intuition is usually right! :)
I think you are having a girl. I am so excited for you. I am also pregnant but not finding out what I am having. I have 3 girls and 2 boys already.
I think you are having a girl. I am also having a baby but not finding out what I am having. I already have 3 girls and 2 boys. I am so excited for you.
This is difficult! Sometimes you can just tell what gender a person will have, but now I am a little lost. Hmmm....I am going to guess boy. Now I am excited for you to find out!
I say BOY but something in the back of my head says GIRL!!!!
My guess is BOY !!!
I'm guessing BOY
I'm guessing BOY
Before you posted your photo today, I was thinking girl, but now, I'm thinking boy. Either way, I know this child will be loved and adored! Congrats, again!
Boy B O Y!!! Boy boy!! its def a cute lil boy!!! with dark hair like Ryan!!! I would love this lil dress. I would like to learn to make them for my lil 6 year old
You look great! Best always to you and your lil one!
I'm thinking a BOY! :)
You look great! Best always to you and your lil one!
I'm thinking a BOY! :)
Hi Kendra,
I have been reading your blog for a long time, but I don't comment usually. I have to tell you though how excited and happy I am for you and Ryan and your new little life! I had been praying so hard for you to get pregnant, you are the best Mom! This new little one is so lucky to have you. That being said, I'm guessing GIRL! At first I thought for sure boy, but I've got a feeling it's a little girl! Congratulations!!
Megan G.
Boy :)
Ok so seeing your little belly now tells me that this is a baby girl. You seem to be carrying high. I also wanted to tell you that the cramps are really normal as the little one stretches to make room for him/herself in there. It is ligament stretching or something like that. I also had terrible hormone headaches throughout my pregnancies. It is so fun growing a baby most of the time, but some of the stuff can be downright unpleasant. Thankfully we get the adorable sweet pea at the end of the nine months to make it all worth it!
I forgot to add that I found out gender with all four of my babies. There is absolutely no way I could wait and I wanted a name and to pick out clothes and to decorate nurseries! I would find out as soon as I could LOL
BOY OH BOY!! Yes, I think the baby is a BBBBOOOOYYYYY. Besides that, we need more boys in our family and Braxton and Easton need a new friend to play with, don't you think? Either way, can't hardly wait and I will be thrilled for you no matter what!!!
Girl :)
boy!!!! <3
I have been reading your blog for a while (I found it through Kellie Staats's blog), and I honestly think you are having a GIRL! Please find out soon :) I honestly wonder how people can not find out the sex of their baby, please find out ASAP :)
I've been following your journey for a couple of months :) I love hearing gender reveals! I think you're having a boy!
Funny. Your mom was just telling me today that you were "not the most patient person" hehehe. I think GIRL.
I'm going to guess girl! I'm so excited you all!! :)
I'm going to guess BOY! I can't wait til you can find out. How exciting!
i'm gonna say IT'S A BOY, your belly looks high :) i have 2 boys so i kinda know on that, please make the U/S appt ASAP, Five weeks is an eternity !!!!
Boy! I have been 100% wrong with all 3 of my kids, so this probably means you are having a girl. :) What an exciting time for you!
My guess is a Girl!!! :) You look so cute with your belly! Love it!!!
I am so excited for you and Ryan! Your baby is so lucky to have you two as parents. My guess is that you are having a boy!!! :)
This lurking grandma guesses girl. No reason, just thinking of my 6 I had 2 boys then 2 girls, then another girl and another boy. My logic is weird I know. You are so blessed. But don't you already know that. Blessings
Hmmmmm I am going to guess boy!!! :)
I think GIRL!! :)
I have a feeling it will be a hunting partner for Ryan! Boy!!!
I have thought it was a boy since the very beginning : )
A Girl for sure!! :)
*BOY* I'm sticking with my original gut feeling the day you said you were expecting! :o) So excited for you to find out for sure!! Ok I have a question, if you are so not into surprises (its ok I am not either) Then how did Ryan propose to you? Was it a surprise for you or no?? :) Just thought I would ask
I say meet in the middle and go at 18 weeks. That is when I go in for my ultrasound. My guess is a BOY!!
My guess is GIRL!
I think it is a BOY!! :)
I'm guessing GIRL!
My guess is a boy!
My guess is BOY!
I'm going with GIRL! I think the pillowcase dress is adorable! Good Luck!!
Hi Kendra!
SO excited for you guys and to find out for sure what you're little precious one is!
I am guessing it's another sweet GIRL!!
I'm guessing boy, but only because I'm expecting a boy!! I can't wait to find out what you are having. With my first 2 I waited until my anatomy ultrasound (18 weeks with the first and 19 weeks with the second). This time we wanted to find out before Christmas so we could tell our families as a Christmas present so we went to a place at 15 weeks. We found out it was a boy (our first 2 our girls) and my husband was so excited, he couldn't wait the week to tell everyone at Christmas. haha!! So we ended up telling everyone that day. Anyway, sometimes you can go to an ultra sound school and they will do it much cheaper than the places that are specifically for baby ultra sounds. Just thought I would let you know in case you guys have a place like that, cause I know it gets hard for me to wait too. It is such a fun part of pregnancy!!
ps - you look so cute pregnant!!
I think it will be a boy :)
You look so cute!
Pink, blue, pink, blue.... I go with blue!!
I love you and your blog!! I'm voting boy! :)
So excited for you guys! My guess is a GIRL!!!
I am so excited for you guys! Congratulations! My guess is...a GIRL!!!
I hope that no matter whether it is a boy or girl it is healthy and happy!
But if I have to guess I would say a girl!
Holy Moly you have a lot of followers and comments :). I'm just SO very excited for you. I want to say boy but my gut says Girl. So my final answer...girl! Yay!
A handsome baby boy!!
I'm guessing boy.
Sure missing you...!
I think it's a boy...
It's a boy!!
I've been reading your blog for some time now but I've never commented. My parent's lost their daughter (my sister) before I was I born. I was the first born afterwards so I was lucky enough to get her name ;) My sisters changed their middle names once they got married so their middle names are our maiden names. Not name is too special!!! I can't wait to follow your blog until ALL of your kids are growing like weeds.
~Skylar MARTINE Meinhardt :)
I love reading your blog! You are such an inspiring woman! My vote is GIRL!! I am very impatient and after having 2 boys I found out this one is girl at 15 weeks! She would look so cute in that dress! (I am due in June)
Gorgeous girl! I am going to guess boy -- a little friend for James :) Love to all!
I think you are going to have a girl. You have that glow that a baby girl brings!
I kept going to say boy but I think my guess is girl :)
i just found out im having a boy! my guess is boy for u too. we went in at 15.5 weeks and after an hr and a half they still couldnt tell. he was in a tiny ball with legs crossed. i was so so disappointed. i would wait until 17 weeks. they grow so much even in a week. there was a huge difference at 19 weeks snd they could tell right away. guess it depends on the babies position most of all. good luck. cant wait
I think it is a BOY!
you look amazing! and so happy! i'm going with BOY!! can't wait to hear what it is and what name you have chosen!!
I think you're having a girl! :)
My guess is a BOY!!!! Can't wait to find out! How super exciting for you guys!
I'm guessing boy! :)
I think it's a beautiful baby girl!!! You look stunning by the way :)
I guess a boy. I can't wait to read all about him.
I'm guessing BOY!
Although I only know you through blog-o-sphere, I'm super excited for you are truly amazing and deserve much happiness!
Hi, I'm so happy for you guys. I've been following your beautiful blog for a long time and it has touched me and I pray for you guys everyday Congrats!!! I really think you are having a "BOY" again congrats and god bless you and your wonderful family
Kendra, comparing your pregnancy with the 3 of mine, I am going to guess GIRL. I base it mostly on the fact that you are craving strawberries & I craved berries with my girls and veggies with my boy. Very technical way of choosing, huh? :) Good luck!
I just had a boy and everyone I know that is pregnant is having a I'm going to say BOY!
Boy!!! Can't wait to see!
I am so happy for you both! You tuly are amazing! Thank you for being so open and honest and sharing your life with us.
I am guessing BOY!
I think its another GIRL: ) cant wait to see what the gender is tomorrow!!! Thank you for being so inspiring and honest, i have been reading since December 09, and i feel like you are a family member because you are so open. I hope nothing but the best for you!
I have been following your blog for awhile now. I admire your strength! You are one tough chicka! :)
I'm guessing GIRL!
I am guessing BOY!
Nausea and headaches?.......hands down girl!!!?... But that's just because my girl gave me those symptoms : )
Can't wait to hear!
Im saying boy.
And btw, I just had triplets. You absolutely do NOT look like you are having a trio. By 16 weeks I couldnt see my feet. I had to stop wearing my rings, had to have help getting up and yes I even had to wear those incontinence pads because I trickled often. I was afraid of flat out peeing my pants.
You are amazing, your strength is proven with each day, I love how open,emotional, and thankful you are! You are only human and I am gratful you are not afraid to express your thoughts and fears!! I am truely thanful there are people like yourself to help everyone through their trials and to give a better understanding on everything! You continue to amaze me! I Love this quote from none other than Winnie the Pooh, "If there ever comes a day when we cant be together, Keep me in your heart, I will stay there forever" It is perfect for anyone and anything they are going through!! P.s. I think it is definitely another GIRL!!! Congrats to you and the very excited Ryan!
I guess BOY!!!
I hope it is not too late to guess! My guess is GIRL! God Bless you, Ryan, Makenzie and sweet little baby!
so exicted for you guess is a GIRL!
I am guessing girl! Congratulations, I love your blog!
I think girl:)
BOY! :)
I am going to venture a guess for GIRL.
I think boy!!!!
I'm guessing girl!
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