How far along? 14 Weeks
Maternity clothes? No
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping good other than that 1 night a week.
Miss Anything? Not really.
Movement: No
Food cravings: I wanted a cold hot dog this week. Is that weird? Yes okay it is. Good thing we didn't have any in the house. Other than that I crave milk. All the time. I have always loved milk and we usually go through 1-2 gallons a week but in the last week I have gone through 3 pretty much by myself.
Gender: Ryan is now undecided. He doesn't have any clue.
Kendra is still thinking boy but honestly doesn't care one single bit.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Just feeling weird. Its hard to explain but its kind of reminds me when Kenzie would do somersaults and it would make me kind of light headed and my tummy would just be uncomfortable. I know you cant feel the baby yet so I know its not that but it feels so weird. Its usually when I'm sitting and almost every single time Harley lays on my tummy.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: My attitude has definitely been improving. I am so so so thankful for this little baby and only want the very best for it. I have my hard days where the reality of a new baby is ridiculously scary but I just pray and tell God I am going to sit back and be thankful for whatever he gives me for however long.
Looking forward to: Doctors appointment tomorrow! Anxious to hear that heartbeat.
I have started doing some serious research on this child's nursery. I have so many ideas and things I LOVE. This time around is so different than with Makenzie. All I wanted was over the top, bold, bright, far to much to look at, room. I didn't quite accomplish all of that before or during her little life but that was the goal. With this one. All I want is simple, clean, different, unique, calm. I want color but not much. I am inlove with Grey and White as the main focus and doing other things to bring color in. We are still in a debate whether to use Makenzie's furniture or not. I thought I was okay with it at one point but I'm really having a hard time. But it doesn't make sense to buy all new stuff. I don't know. The biggest issue right now is we just don't know where we will be living. We could get renters and be out of our place next week. Or we will be in our condo for the rest of our lives. I have no idea. So I'm not really going to be doing much decorating. I want to get stuff that can be used anywhere we are. I am thinking of decor and trying to get inspiration. The colors I love to pair with grey and white are--
navy, aqua, lime green and/or a darker grey for a boy. I don't think I would use all of those colors together but I like all of those colors with grey.
If we have a girl I love aqua, yellow and a redish pink.
I am thinking of using an old dresser that was mine and just painting it so that would be a color that we bring into the room. I don't want it to be white or grey so it would be one of the stand out colors.
I will paint a room at some point. I am thinking in about a year. When we are more settled into wherever we might be. So baby will be a few months old before that gets done so his room needs to be pretty amazing without the paint for a while. But again I don't want it to be loud. I want subtle.
Oh this is going to be tricky.
Here are some pics from the ever so wonderful pinterest that has been a source for some inspiration.
- love this blanket and using different fabrics that match the colors of the room -
- I love these colors together but don't want the wall painted anything but grey or white -
- I love the color combo. Don't really love the furniture or set up but I like the grey and white with just a little aqua to brighten the room -
- Can ruffle curtains be used for boy or girl? yeah Ryan said no way would we put these in his boys room, but I love them none the less -
- I love the stripe accent wall -
- I have to have this saying somewhere, I sang this song to Makenize all the time and I would love to share that with the new baby as well -
I know I still have many many many weeks to get all of this put together so hopefully by then ill have some fun, cute and inexpensive ideas put together :)

You look adorable! :)
You look great! I'm so happy for you guys! I love the striped wall with grey and white, with that splash of aqua is cool too. I hope it's a boy so he can have such a simply cool room. But, like you, I hope for healthy, wether boy or girl, yea! Hugs and prayers, Alissa
Your baby's nursery will look cute for sure! You always seem to have such great ideas! I too sing that song to Morgan every day when I rock her to sleep. I want to find it in colors to match her room!
Praying for you always!
You look amazing, thanks for sharing a pic! I love all your ideas for nursery and I think you will just know what is right once you know the gender and go out looking-so much fun!
As for furniture, I can only imagine what a tough decisino it is and can totally see both sides of the coin. Again, I truly think you will know what is best for you as you start planning. It might be nice to have new and a fresh canvas to work with but at the same time Kenzie will always be a huge part of this new baby's world and that might be a nice way for you to share her with her brother/sister.....tough decision but I know you will come to the right one for you.
Hope you keep feeling good and hopefully those sleepless nights get few and far between!! Love Em
That first room is one of two that I used as inspiration for our girls room last year. It's my favorite room in the whole house!
Kendra you are GLOWING :o) that little baby bump is so darn CUTE! I think that everyone has their own opinions on the fact of using things that belonged to another child or person that is no longer here but I would like to share my thoughts on it. (and again I understand everyone thinks differently) I have a sister who passed away (something that I have not said anything about in other posts) she was older than me and was more like my second mom. I LOVED HER and will always love her and yes missing her is my life! Well when she passed I wanted her dresser and her bed for my daughter. For the simple reasons of I wanted my daughter to have things that once belong to my hero. I wanted my little girl to be reminded of her and ask me questions about my sister, in hopes that I could find peace in my wonderful memories of her. I have, its been 4 years now and I will tell you I love when my daughter wants to lay on my sisters bed and we share memories of Janice :) It really has become my healing medicine! I love laying on that bed closing my eyes and feeling close to her.
I hope that you don't mind me sharing my thoughts, but I honestly know how hard it is to loose someone, no its not my child but she was and is someone I love and miss so very much. Having her things in my home is my blessing :)
So excited for you to start feeling this little one move and well to reveal if they are a he or a she!! Can't wait!!
You look adorable Kendra! I love your ideas for the nursery! I think it will be a little easier once you know the babies gender too :)
So happy you are doing better. Those first three months....YIKES!! I think it is interesting that you love grey/white. I painted my newly remodeled bathroom a lite dove grey. We have white marble in the tub surround, white vanity, grey with black specs for the counter top. I'm not sure how I decided to use grey/white but it is the very best room in the house now. can accent with just about any color. Still can't wait to see my great-nephew/niece. You look cute in the preggo picture. Love ya.
Oh, and I forgot about the "song." I sing that one to my Braxton all the time. Calms him down and he just stares at me like he completely understands how much he means to me. I love being his grandma (Ga Ga to him!!).
My brother and his wife were able to see the sex of the baby at their 14 week appointment. It was confirmed again this week at 21 weeks, but it was clearly a boy at 14 weeks! I was amazed they could see it so early. I wonder how soon they'll be able to tell you! :-)
You look great! Who says you aren't feeling the baby? It's not too soon at all. I started feeling the twins move at 9 weeks! I know for a fact it was them because I was getting an ultrasound when I watch baby B (Elaine) move and felt a little tap at the same time. After the first baby you're so much more in tune with your body and you definitely can feel the baby early. I believe I was 12-13 weeks the first time my HUSBAND felt the twins moving! Especially when you're laying on your tummy or having something pressed on it. I would really feel the babies then.
I love your nursery designs and can't wait to see what you pick!
I love that you posted a belly pic! (finally) :-) You are looking great! I just hit 20 weeks and I am looking like I am full term, so kuddos to you on controlling your weight gain. I also found out today that I am having a girl! I am shocked but oh so excited for my little 19 month old daughter to have a play mate. I am anxious to find out what you are having!
You are looking great how cute is that little baby bump! I love your nursery ideas. They are so calm and peaceful. You always have great ideas! Praying for you always so excited that you guys have this bundle of joy on the way!!
I've been reading your blog for some time now but I don't comment often, but I just wanted to say:
A. You look adorable and I'm so happy for you!
B. that sunshine plaque is SO CUTE! Love!!!
You look amazing.
Love the ideas for the nursery.
Wishing you and your lil one the best life has to offer.
Oh you look so cute! I love it.
Also, your ideas for hte nursery are adorable. I was a little sad we couldn't do more with our nursery, but there is only so much you can do in a rental unit :) It's kind of fun to live vicariously through others ideas though haha. Hope you are feeling well!
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