Maternity clothes? None.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Sleeping fine other than needing to pee every hour :)
Miss Anything? Having the desire to do everyday things. All I want to do is lay around.
Movement: None.
Food cravings: Craving nothing but when I want something--- I want it NOW. and its usually the very thing we don't currently have in the house. Doesn't it always happen that way? Don't worry I don't make Ryan run out and get it. I suffer through my moment of craving and move onto something else.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Hallelujah this week has actually been the best week yet! I have been a little sick at night but not bad at all. Its been like a vacation. But I still don't have the desire/energy to do anything productive.
Gender: Ryan = GIRL
Kendra = BOY
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Tired, No energy = Lazy :) and can anyone help me with the bloated thing? What is some kind of natural thing to ease that? I could eat a peach and get bloated. Everything makes me bloat and that my friends is so uncomfortable/painful/totally unsexy!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: When it comes to this baby. I am very happy. When it comes to anything else in life. Oh I'm a mess. Ryan and I have had so many things going on lately and so many decisions to make and we are just about maxed at the overload department. My mind is always racing we are always on the edge of our chair. Man alive its been a rough one. I just hope things start to fall into place soon.
Looking forward to: Having the desire to start running again. I work or I clean and that's all that I can get done in my days. Nothing more. So I am anxious to start doing something good for my body again.
So how do you all decide on big decisions? Pray? I have been doing hours of that. Literally hours and hours a day. I am trying to get a feeling of what to do but everyday it seems I flip flop. I go from feeling good about something to feeling sick to my stomach about that same thing. We are trying to rent out our condo since trying to sell has been no luck but we have yet to find any renters. Do you know anyone? Its a great neighborhood! We are trying to get debt paid off... AHH I know I hate that word as well. That can cause mass amounts of ulcers right there! We are trying to figure out school. Should Ryan go. Should I go. Should we both go?? What about work. Working now... Working after the baby comes... What happens after the baby comes... Then there is my depression and anxiety. Oh they are on a giant roller coaster lately. I have been working on my meds to get things in control but right now they are a little crazy. That doesn't ever help anything. and to top it off-- I am bloated like all the time! Seriously.
Okay I'm going to go cry into my pillow and eat some girl scout cookies to feel better.
Any advice would be welcome :)

I had the worst bloating ever with this pregnancy and was always in so much pain! I think water made me bloat! =) Now the bloating is gone and just looking at food gives me the worst heart burn in the world! =) Ahhhhh pregnancy! So I am not sure of anything natural but mine got so bad my doc made me start taking Gas X and then also zantac (generic is great to and cheaper). You can take them both together for double action! Ask your doc about it cause if you don't have to deal with it I wouldn't! I was so unaware you could take anything at all during pregnancy with my first and unfortunately just dealt with the heart burn. Pregnancy is uncomfortable enough if you can ease one thing I say go for it! =) Hope that helps! Can't wait to find out what this little peanut is!
Yes pray and just try to listen to what feels right to you and Ryan! You guys seem to be really good at communicating and really talking/thinking things through. Have faith in yourselves! You will make the right decisions and as hard as I know it is try to relax about it! It will all fall into place. (easier said than done right) =)
Big decisions....well, I'm a list maker. I list the good (then research it) I list the bad and then have to consider if it really is bad, or if this is just something I REALLY don't want. Be completely honest with myself. Talk to my other half (who is the Biggest researcher in the world) and then together we make the decision...I trust my process and then go for it full speed ahead. I'm not a big pray person, but I do listen for inspiration, sometimes I even feel that.
Sorry, no help with the bloating thing, but here's a pat on the head and big hug. Best of luck, you'll be fine!
Keep praying about the things in your life. God will make it clear to you and lead you in the right direction.
Praying for you always!
I'm not pregnant. Never have been and have been struggling with getting pregnant due to my Endometriosis. I hate making decisions. Sometimes I just put them off for another day but I've found that if try to let go of the small details, those little details that really won't mean much anyway, I have a more peaceful mind. Life isn't easy and it's hard not knowing what decision is best for you and your little family. Go with your gut feelings. If your not sure write a list of pro's and con's. I do that often and as cheesy as it sounds it actually puts things into perspective on paper and it's easier for me to read between the lines.
Hope this helps. Good luck! :)
I think Ryan should definantly go to school. I know it is a lot of money, but trust me, there will be less time and less money once the baby gets here and gets older. I love my husband so much, but I have HUGE regrets about him not going to school BEFORE we had kids. We have now been married for almost 14 years. 3 kids later he is still not enrolled in school and has worked 2 jobs our entire marriage just to make ends meet. I am lucky enough that I get to be home with the kids, but it is a sacrifice for him since he is hardly ever home. Good luck, those decisions are not easy ones to make.
Hi Kendra! So happy to read that you are having a pretty good week with the nausea. For the bloating--I have found that the less water I drank, the more bloated I became. I know it sounds weird, but if I drank my 64 oz (or more) a day it seemed like my body was less bloated. I take 2 large bottles of water with me everywhere I go just to make sure I am getting in some water. (Lemon slices help for flavoring if you cannot get the water down plain. Plus, I like my water ice cold--which helps me too.)
For me and my husband about decisions--we pray, or fast (he does when I am pregnant), we talk it out-weighing the pros and cons to making a choice. In the end it really has to be something that you and Ryan are ok with for your situation and life.
About school-- is either or you close to finishing? And if so, would it mean a better paying job soon? If neither of you is close yet, I would say Ryan. I know it is a lot of money, but it will pay off in the long run.
I hope any of this helps!
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