Maternity clothes? No but my favorite thing to wear is my sweat pants right now.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep: Horrid nightmares have lessened this week. But I am having a hard time getting comfy and falling asleep. I am afraid of the next 29 weeks.
Best moment this week: Today. March 1st. We will find out the sex of the baby this month.
Miss Anything? Feeling Normal.
Movement: None.
Food cravings: Still no consistent food. It changes every second. Usually nothing sounds good but I'm always hungry.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still so so sick. I have been taking the B6 and unisom like my doctor told me and so far its not helping. I found out the other day that I am anemic so they put me on some iron pills and ill tell you right now I hate those pills. Its almost like an instant puke pill. I have yet to keep it down. I have tried taking it in the morning, midday, night, with or without food. Nothing is helping.
Gender: Ryan = GIRL
Kendra = BOY
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: My stomach and pretty much whole body just aches from puking. My boobs are huge and sore. I am farting like a chubby man eating beans. My emotions are a complete mess. Yes I think I am pregnant.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have had a rough week emotionally. Been having a really hard time with things just not being what I imagined. Guess ill never learn to just let life happen and stop planning and expecting.
Looking forward to: Reaching the second trimester and hopefully starting to feel a bit better.
Man you would think life is horrible with how much I complain. Guess I should be clear that no matter how sick I could ever feel I know it could be much worse. I am so thankful for being able to be sick, have these crazy hormones and watch this changing body. I am so very lucky and I don't let a day go by without thanking God for giving us this gift. I hope no one ever thinks I ever feel anything less than complete joy when I think of this life. Makenzie's little brother or sister. No matter how hard things will be because ill be honest-- its not going to be all rainbows and sprinkles. This is a life after a big loss and that is not easy. But we wouldn't change this for the world.

I'm right there with you on the complaining....and yet feeling so blessed too! :) It's hard when you feel so sick....and yet so worth it! :) Thanks for the reminder!!!!
Have you tried the sea sickness bands? You can find them at Walmart near the seasick pills. They press on the pressure points on your wrists to ease the queasiness. Crazy, but I felt so much better when I was wearing them.
Hope that helps! So excited for you!
have you asked your dr. to prescribe zofran? i was soooo sick during my pregnancy and that stuff was a miracle. it didnt make me feel perfect but i was able to get off the couch and dressed and even started to enjoy food again.
Kendra, you deserve to feel and write whatever you want! We all know how you feel about this baby of yours and Ryans! :) Being pregnant is a big job, and not always easy. We all know it is worth it though.
Praying for you always!
I am still laughing at your response to your "Symptoms"! I had to read it to my daughter and she thinks it is hilarious, of course. Hang in there, it is all so worth it, even though we have to go through so many difficult changes during pregnancy. I know you know that already, but I know all too well that while in the middle of all the changes it does get hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am beyond excited for you. How exciting to think of that amazing day that you meet this little bundle. What a lucky, little bundle he, or she is :)
Have you tried taking Dramamine or Meclizine? It's an over the counter medicine for motion or travel sickness. I bought some at my local drug store. My OB told me I could take it when I was so sick a few months ago. It helped but it can make you drowsy so be careful when you take it. They also told me not to take my prenatal pills. They can make you sick too. They told me to take 4 flinstone's gummy vitamins. I hope that helps.
Oh Kendra I am so sorry to read that you are so sick! My heart breaks for you because I know exactly how you feel! I am 17 weeks and still nauseated. Normally by now I should start feeling better and be able to eat just about anything. No. Not yet, and I am bummed. I miss real food!
I wanted to ask--how are you able to find out the sex of your baby so soon? I am having to wait until I am about 20 weeks. And it is driving me insane!
It's good to see an update I hadn't heard from you for awhile so I was hoping things were good! text me.
I haven't commented on your blog, but have been following it for awhile now. I am amazed at your strength through your trials!
I am also pregnant (due Sept 2) and just hit the 14 week mark. I have too been struggling emotionally--thinking oh i should feel better now. I know though that children are a blessing from Heavenly Father and although I feel sick and am so ready to get this over with, I too wouldn't change it for the world for a little miracle to arrive.
Good Luck and I pray that the sickness will ease soon for you!!! It is getting better for me.
I haven't commented on your blog, but have been following it for awhile now. I am amazed at your strength through your trials!
I am also pregnant (due Sept 2) and just hit the 14 week mark. I have too been struggling emotionally--thinking oh i should feel better now. I know though that children are a blessing from Heavenly Father and although I feel sick and am so ready to get this over with, I too wouldn't change it for the world for a little miracle to arrive.
Good Luck and I pray that the sickness will ease soon for you!!! It is getting better for me.
Kendra for sure get a RX for Zofran. I just went to my OB and she gave me one and it works great for nausea. Hang in there. Being sick is no fun but getting a new bundle joy for it is wonderful.
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