Sunday, December 4, 2011

The waiting game starts!

With the crazy weather and destruction here we spend all weekend cleaning up starting Friday when I got home. I totally forgot to test my LH surge at noon that day so as I was getting ready for bed when I finally remembered! GREAT. and of course that was the day I tested POSITIVE!
So first thing Saturday morning I called my OB and the University to get my stuff ready.  They wanted me to come right away so I went with no makeup and hair a little crazy. At the University I had to wait for over an hour for the vial to be prepped and ready to go. As I was signing off we realized 1 of the sperm donor numbers was off. They almost died. I wasn't worried. I honestly don't care who the guy is because that little spirit is already chosen its just about getting them here. But I guess its important to use the right donor sperm :) So they got me the right stuff and I was off to my OB office.
Got the office opened just for me again and got implanted by the on call doctor.
He was extremely nice and assuring.
I laid there for 20+ minutes with my legs up hoping things swam into place.
and I was done.
Now the waiting and praying begins. again.
I want this.
More than anything ever in my life.
I am praying every second.
Ryan already picked out names.
He is certain we are having twins.
I don't care if we are blessed with 1 or 5 (oh my crazy) but I just hope our little baby is ready to come to us. We are so ready for them. We have so much love to give. We are full of hope this round.
Ill keep you posted!

--- Update on the weather, we were told there will be another storm this evening and the area was issued a state of emergency warning. they canceled most of the churches around here and asked everyone to get outside and clean up. All the tree's and debris has been stacked into piles around the neighborhoods waiting for the city to pick it up. With winds getting 80 mph+ again those piles are going to be a disaster waiting to happen. So today we froze along with hundreds of other people outside working our butts off. I was honestly overwhelmed at the sight of support that kept coming. We worked in our neighborhood and my sisters who lives down the road a bit. The lines at the dump were insane. Literally miles long. We got just about everything picked up so we are now just home and praying this weather warning is really just a warning and it doesn't get to bad. Some of those poor houses out there just cant take another hard hit. Please pray for everyone who might be effected.


Julie said...

Having been through 15 IUIs I know the waiting game all too well, it's TOUGH!!! Praying it goes quickly for you and ends in joyful tears!

Anonymous said...

Crossing my fingers for you with all my strength and all my heart! Your baby will be coming soon!!!!!!! xoxo

Robin said...

I am praying so hard for you guys! This time could be the time! Think happy, positive thoughts Kendra! Prayers and LOTS of Baby Dust coming your way! PS. Hope the storm passes quickly and quietly as possible. Stay safe!

Dean and Rachel said...

Praying for you!!! Can't wait to hear the good news:)

Unknown said...

It was amazing seeing everyone helping each other today as I drove to my future in-laws house in Kaysville. The damage is crazy. Glad to hear your doing well!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am praying for you! I really really hope it works this time! And we will be praying that you do not get anymore of that bad weather!

Kennedy Klan said...

(((baby baby baby baby baby baby)))
My baby chant I'm sending your way through cyber lol
And we are getting hit with snow down here so I hope and pray that the wind will ease up for you up there!!

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed.

Kerri said...

Oh I soooo hope this happens for you this go around! Good luck!

Tiffany said...

It will happen. Even if you have to go through this a little longer it will happen for you! Good luck! I hope this is the one!

Chantel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TraciW said...

I've never commented but I read your blog all the time and I felt something telling me to let you know I am praying So Hard for you and Ryan. I hold my one year old daughter tighter because of your story, and other momma's who have lost their precious babies. I can't wait for the day you hold your baby to come close. Good luck mama

Mindee said...

Yay how exciting!! Praying and crossing my fingers for you guys! Your baby will be here before you know it..even though it seems like forever away right now : )

Anonymous said...

praying hard for you and your hubby!!

Shawna said...

Good luck Kendra! Prayers for you!

Krissy said...

Waiting and praying for you. I cannot wait to hear how it is going. I'm sure our little angels are up there taking care of their brothers and sisters till they are ready to be with us. Keeping my fingers crossed. By the way I love your new heading. It is so very sweet... and I just love it....

Matt and Jess said...

I've never commented, but I've been reading your blog. Hope you don't mind. But I hope and pray that you and Ryan can get another baby here soon!

Amanda said...

Praying for you!!! This is it... :)

Kelsi said...

Kendra I am praying for you!!! I hope it happens this month :) What a wonderful Christmas present that would be!(HUGS))Kelsi


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