This is the second year we have donated Leggings to Primary Children's Hospital on December 13th. We do it in honor of Makenzie. We wrap up each pair with a little note of how the leggings project got started and drop them off with the sweet lady who always remembers us from our stay.
Last year we really set the bar high with over 1800 pairs of leggings donated along with tons of blankets, hats and books. This year we didn't get the turn out like we would have liked but we also didn't talk about it as much as we should have. I am still so happy to let you all know that we were able to donate over 250 pairs of leggings and over 35 blankets! The lady came down to meet us and take the leggings right up to the PICU. I have heard a few little stories here and there about how much they love those leggings but I had no idea if they had run out of the 1800 we gave them last year. When I asked if they had anymore from last year she laughed and said--- "Oh heavens no. Those are the most popular thing and were gone long ago." Which made me realize those 250+ leggings we were dropping off wouldn't last the rest of the month I'm sure! So I decided we HAVE to get this as big if not bigger than last year. We have to collect these leggings and donate as many as we possibly can for next year... If not sooner!
I would love to pass our 1800 pair donation with over 2000 but we will just have to see how things go.
I am so thankful for any amount of donation we can give to those sweet children at the hospital. There is no good reason to be there and it breaks my heart to know what so many little ones are going through.
I hope and pray for them everyday. I pray no other parent has to walk out of those doors without their child in the arms. It shouldn't happen. If any place is good enough to save a life I believe with all my heart it is that hospital. The love, support, care and skills in that building are unreal.
This will be the first of MANY posts to come about our leggings donation for next year. Really its not expensive and everyone can help. Go to anyone of my last posts about leggings to learn more.

Just when I think that there can't possibly be anymore room in your heart for more love, you just have to prove me wrong.
You are amazing. Special lady I tell you.
What is the address for us to ship items to?
Thanks for your example. I have a lot to learn from you!
I'd love to help! Recently tried your leggings tutorial and it was very easy!
I forgot all about getting leggins to you. I bought some at Kam's boutique last month but I am such a dork and spaced them. It sucks to get old. Ha Ha But glad to hear you are doing the leggins project all over again next year. When Kam's little Teagan was at PCMC last year with RSV, they gave Kam one of the packages of Kenzie leggins. Kam thought that was so special to get a package for her little Teggie. I love all you girls so much and love all of your children, too. I know how hard it is for you and Ryan to wait and wait and wait for your next little baby but I know it will happen for you. All the good things you have done in honor of our sweet Angel Kenzie have made me realize how much we are blessed as a family because of her and because of you and Ryan. It is always my honor and privelge to help you in your desire to help others. You are amazing. If I were only half as organzied as my nieces are, my life would not be so messy and complicated!! Ha Ha I pray for you and Ryan daily and for all my family. I know God hears and answers my prayers and He will always do what is best for us. I hope what is best for you and Ryan is to have your hearts mended, to have peace and love fill your lives always, and to become parents again very soon. I remember having those same dreams and aspirations when is was your age. My dream came true and somehow so will yours. Love, Aunt Mary
I am in! I plan on getting together some leggings to donate. It would be an honor to help! I also just received the cookbook I ordered from you. It is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am giving it to my Dad for Christmas. He LOVES to cook & is awesome at it. So, I figured getting a fun, new cookbook would be great for him...especially one going for such a heart-warming cause :) Take care, sweetie! From A stranger in Rigby, ID :)
I love that you do this! When P was hospitalized for 4 months we spent 95% of our time in the picu and the Child Life Specialist and her team were so incredibly amazing!!! They brought Presley things all the time, blankets and toys and just things that not only brightened her day but mine too to know and feel like they really cared about her. And those days there feels like months so each day and each little gift or item was so meaningful. Thank you for doing that for all those kids! I know They truly are so grateful!!!
I just sent you an email at asking for you to send me the pattern for the leggings. My mom and I would love to help you out with this awesome project. We are willing to purchase and sew the leggings until you have exceeded your goal! Sending thoughts and prayers from our family in New York to you and yours. Amy
Would love to help, I have tons of knee high socks & love to buy new ones too. Send instructions to email Good luck with project. Stay strong.
I am at PCMC with my daughter and the whole day I have been thinking of you... We got a phone this morning stating she has a weird bacteria growing in her ear so she was admitted right away... I just thought about what you went through 2 years ago and I am so sorry! Just seeing my sweet Brailyn getting an IV about killed me! I don't wish that on anyone. I also have thought about those leggings.. Wish Brailyn could get some. ;) I want to help with the donations next year so let me what I can do!! Thank you for all of your posts..I check often! ;)
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