Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Its nearing the end of SEPTEMBER! That's right! I said September! HOLY GUACAMOLE!
Remember how I'm doing THIS... Well December is creeping up on us and we are definitely needing to get a move on making those leggings in order to beat our 1500 pair goal! Yes you read that number right. I said 1500! Our first goal was 150 -  then 500 - then 1000 - now 1500! We can do it!
So I found this other cute blog... This Mom joined in on our SMA Blog Party so we instantly became best blogging buddies! neway. I found some really cool ideas on her blog that you all might find fun and interesting! I'm going to try it. Tonight.
So here is the regular leggings pattern that many of you have already used and made fabulous leggings with and here is a new recipe. Sweater Leggings! BRILLIANT. I love the idea. So dig out those old kid sweaters that will go to the DI, buy a clearance sweater that is far to ugly to ever wear in public - and chop it up. Because this cause is so much more important :)
I cant wait to make my first pair. It will be fun. Cant wait to see how it will turn out.
If you don't want to make the leggings- send them to me. Ill do it! Or you can of course take full advantage of the amazing deal babylegs.com is STILL doing for us! Remember this?!
= for every pair you buy they match it! So if you really want to be selfish you can buy a pair for yourself and then they match it by sending another to me! but don't do that. it would be dishonest. They are ALL suppose to go to the children's hospital. Think of those babies. Those little legs and arms that need to be kept warm. You really don't want to take that away do you?

Have I guilt tripped you enough? Are you convinced you will buy a pair of leggings/socks next time your at the store? Well good. My job is done. I cant wait to see your package on my doorstep next week!

ps. Target sells adult knee socks for only $2. That's a scream of a deal.

I have had a couple people say they don't understand how adult socks will fit a newborn. Or any child for that matter. So here are some pictures of Kenzie showing you how. They can be worn on your legs or arms. For older babies they can scrunch them below the knee. For older kids they can wear them like sleeves to keep their arms warm. There are SO many ways to wear these cute things. Kenzie always had them on. She was to skinny for pants so they worked perfect.  They kept her warm and looked adorable.


Chatty Natty said...

I just found your blog from Sullengers and would LOVE to be a part of this project in honor of your sweet Makenzie. I've made these for my girls before and would love to make some for your project. Please send me your address where I can send them to this email natalie.lundquist@gmail.com.

God Bless you!

Andrea said...

I just went to target today and bought 7 pairs of cute socks to make into leggings. On Wednesday night my young women group is going to be learning how to sew and make leggings for baby kenzie's project. I will be sending these to you sometime next week.

Shawna said...


I don't sew. But I'm going to see if I can find some sweaters and socks to send you. I sent out a request to friends in my area and I am going to check out a local thrift store. I'm hoping to find some stuff to send you so you can make more leggings.

Brian and Rebecca Nate said...

Kendra, I have been following your blog for quite a while now and I have to say that I think you're awesome. You've taken all your pain and channeled it into something beautiful. Good for you. I also wanted to tell you that I ordered 4 pairs of leg warmers and asked that they be shipped directly to you instead of me. Please let me know if you don't get them. If they come to me I will have to get your address and get them shipped to you. I know it's only a few, but I hope it helps. Take care and God speed.

The Johnson Crew said...

I bought some socks today so I was excited to see your post. I hope they turn out, if not I will just buy the leggins.

AJ said...

I found your blog through Samster Mommy and you are now one of my favorites. You have souch a touching story and has actually turned me to blogging. Ok so here is my idea! I don't have a crafty bone in me so I dont think I can do this. I think you or others should make college color leggings. I don't have girls but know a few of my friends do and are crazy about college sports. For example, orange and maroon for virginia tech. I have been looking for some to buy as shower gifts! Just a thought!

Summer said...

I also just found your blog through Samster Mommy, and I am totally stopping on my way home from work tonight to get a bunch of socks and get to work! I'm hoping I can rope my mom into helping too ;) Would you let me know where to send these? My email is summerbrack22@gmail.com

Candace said...

I wish boys could wear leggings! My gosh she is so cute with them!!


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