How far along? 27 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Best moment this week: Visits from friends and getting the fabric for baby T's room. and celebrating the best Daddy I know on Fathers Day.
Not so good moment of the week: Not being able to sit anywhere comfortably. He is sitting so low.
Miss Anything? Being comfortable.
Movement: He moves the most when I lay on my side. He starts going crazy in there.
Food Cravings: My milk craving is back. I cant drink enough.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week.
Gender: BOY.
Symptoms: My back has been doing much better and I think that is because we have been swimming a lot more and I am walking more. The contractions are better. My only complaints right now is the feeling I cant breathe and my tummy feeling rather uncomfortable all the time.
Emotions: My emotions have been in check a bit more this week. I am crying my eyes out everyday for one reason or another.
Looking forward to: The next time we go swimming. Oh it seriously makes my whole body feel better.
This week overall has been much better pregnancy wise. Not sure whats changed. We have been crazy busy so that might help but I feel better in just about every aspect. I am nearing the end of the second trimester and getting close to end. I am super anxious with both happiness and fear. I cant wait to hold this little boy. I have longed to be a Mom my entire life and to have that slip away so soon after it began has really been hard. This little boy will never take the place of Makenzie and she will forever be a missing link in our family but TK is going to bring so much joy into our world. Our son is going to have a whole different kind of love from Ryan and I. He is going to experience a life with us that Makenzie never would have been able to have because it took losing her for us to get it. Ryan is so anxious to have a little boy. He asks how he is doing everyday and is always so concerned about him. He is the very best Dad and I cant wait until we gets to experience this whole parenting thing again.

1 comment :
Love that adorable belly of yours, and the sweet little boy inside it! Could you email me your address? I picked up a little somethin' for baby T and would love to send it your way!!! Much love!
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