Maternity clothes? Yes but my favorite piece is leggings and they are not maternity.
Best moment this week: Our weekend getaway with the family and hearing Ryan's dreams about this baby. I find it so strange that I am 26 weeks pregnant and have yet to dream of him. Not even 1 little dream. but not Ryan. The roles have switched. Although the other day he dreamed about him being born the size of a 2 year old with creepy teeth and some hell-ian child.
Not so good moment of the week: Starting to doubt the name for this baby. Ryan is making his name to hang on his wall and I was getting the measurements and everything for it when I started having a panic attack. I hear that name and picture him. but all the sudden it sounds weird when I say it. It just doesn't sound right. I had the same issue with Makenzie and what kind of fixed that was changing the spelling. We were originally going to spell her name Mckenzie. and we even did some things with that name to put in her room but literally a couple weeks before she was born we changed it. Mckenzie was not her name. Even though we just changed the spelling it changed how I felt about her name completely. The only thing about this baby's name is we really cant change the spelling or it will change his name. It will spell a different word and we will be calling him something different than that word and I don't like that. So right now we are both freaking out a little. Ryan is not even interested in floating around other ideas. T.... is his sons name. I have no other names I even like and I have been through my 100,000 baby name book a few times and nothing else is even an option.
Miss Anything? Sleep.
Movement: All the time. He is so active and I love it but honestly it hurts. His movements have been feeling more like he is physically assaulting me more than him moving around. and he particularly loves my bladder It must be rather squishy and he uses it as some kind of toy.
I have to note on Saturday I started getting really freaked out because I didn't feel him move all day. I cried several times throughout the day and finally told Ryan. I didn't want to say anything because I felt like I was being a bit dramatic but I was seriously freaking out. I kept thinking about what we would do if something happened to this baby. I drank a ton of water and took a hot shower before bed and finally about an hour after I laid down he started going crazy. I cant even say how much of relief that was. and since then he is all over the place. I kept telling him on Saturday that I will never care how much he moves or hurts me ever again as long as he just moves now. and its true. I will be even that much more grateful for every little movement he makes because it reminds me he is okay.
Food Cravings: Snow cones.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I haven't been sick but all the sudden I am extremely picky about food. If it even has a hint of smell that I don't like I cant eat it. I don't get sick I just cant eat it. The past week I have spent far to long just staring at things in my cupboards and fridge and I cant bring myself to eating any of it. The only thing I could eat all the time is snow cones.
Gender: BOY.
Symptoms: Back is hurting again, contractions, little energy, super emotional and quite uncomfortable sleeping.
Emotions: Very emotional. I cried watching Will and Grace a few days ago. at a part that was not sad. I have been having some serious anxiety about this baby and if he will be okay. I feel like I'm back to those earlier stages of not even being able think of a life with him. It just seems impossible. but then it also seems impossible that God would take him from me. Its all very confusing.
Looking forward to: Snow cones, Fathers day next week, play dates with some friends, cabin trip planned and swimming.

That is one of the cutest maternity pics I've ever seen. U look great.
what a cool belly shot!
Oh I wish I could help you! My son is my second child and he was the roughest mover for me! Isn't it funny how sometimes the opposite gender can be so different?
I also just told my husband (after reading your post) that I am now craving SNOW CONES! I need to find one of those affordable home ones, either that or I am gonna be making a lot of trips to Sonic. (The one closest to our home makes their slushes just like snow cones!)
About baby T's name--if you do decide to change the spelling you can still pronounce it the same. Think about it as in other cultures and countries' son's name for example. It is Persian (my husband is Iranian). My son's name is Ashkon. (pronounced Ash Con) The traditional spelling is Ashkan, but we really felt that spelling it with the second A would get him teased a lot (I had a list of mean names that came to mind). So we changed it to the O and still pronounce it the same. Yes, some people still get it wrong, but we are not quiet to correct them.
If you and Ryan do decide to look for other names--check online. There are so many nowadays. Yes, the books are nice, but I love the variety of names on the internet.
Good luck Kendra! I am keeping you in my prayers!
I love the pic, such a great pregnancy shot!! The time I'm sure is flying by in some ways and taking forever in others, try to enjoy it and the anticipation of the arrival of your sweet baby boy!
As for the name, I think sometimes we let our worries abuot what others will think etc come in the way. I also find anytime you sit and focus on one word over and over they often become strange and sound "off" when really, in the beginning, they didn't. Maybe you have just been trying to make sure it wasn't too "different" and have ended up making it sound that way to yourself? I think if you love it and thats what you and Ryan truly picture your son as, then it will be perfect. If not, I really think you will know when he is in your arms and another name will come to you when you need it!
Good luck with the kicking, as much as its amazing the painful part could go away I know! :-)
Love and hugs, Em
Just dying to know his name! Is it Tiger? I'm not trying to sound silly or insulting. Just trying to guess.
Names are SO hard.. My daughter was KATE my ENTIRE pregnancy, we even embroidered it on Pottery Barn bedding! :/ I decided around 36 weeks, that was not her name.. Went in to have her at 39 weeks, everyone thought we would still name her Kate.. But it was not her name! We ended up naming her Grace when she was 3 days old.. Which was a name we had never talked about! Lol! She is a perfect Grace! I am dying to know if you are naming him TRIPP!!?? A good friend of ours just named their son Tripp AND my brother in law and his wife are expecting a boy August 16 & are also naming their son Tripp! :)
The pic is great! And it's nice to follow your journey through pregnancy.
Stay healthy and happy :)
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