So you know how I said we were going to find out right at 15 weeks what we were having and then we changed our minds and said we would just wait until our 20 week appointment. I had high hopes of waiting. I mean I didn't schedule an appointment or anything. but lo and behold on March 29th, the day I was 15 weeks we went to find out. I couldn't wait another minute. I was so certain up until this point I was having a boy but then I started doubting my intuition and thinking well it really could be a girl. I was going crazy not knowing. I could never have been pregnant in the olden days. I have no patience. We had our appointment to get an ultrasound at 5:30 that evening and we just couldn't wait. On the way there Ryan kept saying- its a girl. I just know it. We are destined to only have girls.
I laid on that cushioned table and watch our baby on the big screen. It was so fun to see him moving all around. He was a little shy at first. He kept opening and closing his hand so we kept getting the cutest shots of his little fingers but he wouldn't move his legs. After a few minutes he decided to give us the money shot. There was no mistaking. Then he wouldn't put the thing away. Every other shot he was showing us what he got. The second the ultrasound tech said there is his penis I about died. I looked over at Ryan who couldn't stop staring at the screen with the biggest smile on his face. He just kept laughing. I cried a bit. Then we enjoyed just watching his move around and wave at us for a bit longer.
We are still pinching ourselves. Its so crazy to think we are having another child first of all but to now know its a He. That we will have a son. That Makenzie is getting a brother. That Ryan is getting his mini me. It is the best feeling ever.
We decided to not tell anyone what we are having until Kenzie Day. We were all getting together for our yearly Easter egg hunt at the cemetery and I wanted to tell everyone in a cute way. Thanks to pinterest I did my best to re-create the idea of balloons coming out of a box. I thought it would be so obvious what it was. You know a sign that says... It's a... and then blue balloons come out. Well I guess it wasn't so clear for everyone. Most of the kids stared at the balloons and then said--- "well, what is it."
So if you decide to do this in the future make sure you give instructions... If blue balloons come out it will be a boy but if pink balloons come out its a girl :)
haha.. we all laughed for a while. Some of the girls were a little sad. They wanted another girl but all of the boys were pretty dang excited. On my side the last boy born was almost 7 years ago. and on Ryan's side this baby and his nephew will be exactly 1 year apart so they will have lots of fun playing together as they grow up.
Ryan is naming this little man and has picked one but I am making sure he is totally set on it before we tell everyone. I am pretty sure he wont be changing his mind. We have fallen in love with it and we are already calling him by name.
I will say his middle name has been picked out since the day Ryan was born :)
He will have the same middle name as Ryan and Ryan's dad which is his Grandpa's name.
I cant wait to have a life with my son. I cant wait to see what he will look like. I cant wait to see who he grows to be. I just pray once he gets here. Life slows down. I need to keep him as long as possible.
AND the moment you have all been anxiously waiting for, the winner of the pillowcase dress is...
Kayla said... A handsome baby boy!!
MARCH 31, 2012 1:00 PM
and I believe your profile says you are from El Dorado, Kansas
Kayla please email me so I can get your address to send you the gift.
You can thank my nephew who drew your name. I promise he didn't cheat :)

Congrats Kendra and Ryan! I am so happy for you guys! A beautiful little boy! YAY! He is so blessed to have a family like yours! Praying for you always!
So exciting, I hope you are okay with it. It hurt just a little when I found out Ledger was a boy... All I knew was a girl, I loved that girl, and I wanted a girl. But after having Ledge, it really was the best thing, I think I would have compared a new girl to Pres constantly. I wish I could speed time up so you could be holding him in your arms. Love ya girl.
I cannot wait to find out what you will be naming that sweet boy! And again, congrats Kendra!
Kendra! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you to have another baby. And a boy. You will love it. Mammas and their boys. Hope to meet up with you this summer.
Kelly Pack
I am so happy and excited for you!
Boys are so different then girls but so much fun!
I bet Ryan is so excited to have his little hunting partner I know my husband was thrilled when we saw the goods on my little man. I don't know if I was more excited though to be able to give him his little guy!
Can't wait to hear the name!
Yay! That's so exciting! I am also having a boy and we are due right around the same time! Our first was also a girl so it's kinda a little weird to think of me has being a momma of a boy. I don't know what to really do with a boy.... I mean I can't "decorate" him like you can a girl. :) Congrats I'm very excited for you!
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