Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kenzie Baby Leggings Project

Over the course of almost a YEAR we have been collecting BABYLEGGINS in honor of our Makenzie to donate to Primary Children's Hospital.  
My first goal was to collect a whopping 150 pairs!
I thought that was a lot.  

After an overwhelming response we bumped the goal to 500 -  WhoW right?!

After we exceeded our 500 pair goal... We bumped the number to 1500!!!!
I seriously never thought we would get close to that final number. 
But YOU have all - once again - gone ABOVE AND BEYOND!

December 13 we loaded up Ryan's truck and his Mamas car and headed to the hospital.
We had the boxes packaged and read to go.
There was LOTs of them
We were greeted by a few people and a couple carts.
We added up our final number....
and were blown away!
We had some other amazing donations to add to the stash such as 
 Its amazing to think about our day in that hospital one year ago. Thinking about the amazing team that kept our Makenzie alive for almost a month longer than she could have made it on our own. 
For the friends we made. For our family that stayed close.
We think of the amazing support and love that poured in for our family. 
We think about how much life has changed in 1 year. 
How different we look at life. 
How different we think about our days. 
How much love we can feel for someone.
Its pretty amazing.
Its all because of her

I am so honored to let you all know that because of you and your hard work we were able to donate
1831 pairs of leggings!

Thank You.. Thank You.. Thank You..
Imagine the JOY it will bring.
Thank you for helping us honor our daughter in such a wonderful way!

Thank you to and for your very special donations and teaming with us to help spread the word and get Makenzie's story out there!


Annie said...

I'm curious what the writing on the paper says that you gave with each babylegs! :) I would love to read it!

How amazing that you were able to collect that many, plus additional items!

It was such a blessing to receive items during our stay in the NICU, through Valentines and Easter, and I thought about the people who sacrificed and donated those things. I have always been so grateful for those little perks while going through such a rough time.

These items will bring much needed little highlights to people's day's, and I think it's so wonderful what you have done!

Andrea said...

That is so wonderful that you had that many!! I am so happy for you!!! You are so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter and to be willing to share her story with all of us. Sending thoughts and prayers your way! HUGS!!!

Shawna said...

Wow Kendra! That is incredible. What a great, great donation. PCMC is going to be full of stylish (and warm) little ones! Just amazing.

brigette said...

Simply AMAZING!!! Way to go I'm so happy you got so many they will be so helpful to the families!! You inspire me to do big things!! Much love kendra!!!

Tara Bennett said...

I don't remember ever having such a big smile on my face. This makes me happy and tender-hearted in so many ways. You two are amazing and what a special way to honor and commemorate the 1-year mark. You are doing so much good. It is amazing how much MY life has changed since then as well all because of Makenzie's lessons and YOU -- her parents -- for all you do to help others all while you are dealing with so much pain. I am forever grateful and profoundly privileged to call you my friends, to say that I knew and loved Makenzie.

Congratulations on this huge accomplishment. I know Makenzie was beaming with pride as she looked down from heaven!

Robin said...

I knew that you would be able to get a lot of support but I didn't realize that you would get so many donations. You have done an amazing thing Kendra and think of all the little babies that will find comfort in the good deed that you have done. I am proud of you girl! keep up the good work and keep working hard for your dreams.

Anonymous said...

You are such a blessing. You are using what God gave you to make a better situation for those around you. You are an incredibly strong woman and I truly believe by the grace of God you are going move forward and continue your daughter's mission here on earth. God bless you... Merry Christmas!

Emma said...

1831?! That is amazing!!!! Think of all those families you are going to touch! Did you include Kenzie's story with them? I am assuming that is what is written with them, what an amazing legacy your little girl has-thanks to her incredible Mom and Dad-your guys are so awesome!!
I am sitting here picturing Kenzie in her leggings and can just see all those little ones they are going to keep cozy and warm, what a great idea!
Love and hugs, Em

Angel said...

That is so awesome. Are you going to do the samething next year? I have only learned how to make the leggins a few weeks ago and did not feel that they would be good enough to send but if you are going to be doing the samething next year I would love to send some to you.

Anonymous said...


I am SO HAPPY to see how well this went! You and Ryan are so AMAZING! I am so HONORED to say you guys are my friends we just love you both so much!
You are such an example to me and so many!
Thank you for all the lessons you have taught all of us.

Again you guys are amazing and thank you for letting all of us take part in this amazing journey with you!

Love ya!


Anonymous said...

I just recently started following your story.

How amazing. I know your little angel was smiling and beaming with pride as her parents completed such an amazing accomplishment that will help so many babies and children. I know that she couldn't be more proud to have you two as her very own parents.

What a beautiful way to remember and share your beautiful little girl.

Puhlman said...

OH NO...I have mine here in a bag waiting to be mailed to you. YIKES...and they are not even finished yet. They only have the feeties cut out. Do you still want me to send them? I am truly sorry.............SORRY. I know I emailed you about my fathers death but that is no excuse. I really need to mail them to you. Tell me what you would like me to do.

Annie said...

This is amazing. I can not believe the lives you have changed. Your baby girl lives on in each of us. Merry Christmas!!!!

Alerie said...

SO AMAZING!! You guys will bring many smiles to little ones and their families!! Makenzie I know is so proud!!

Autumn Labarca said...

I would like to say thank you for your project and gift of love! I am here at Primary's with my daughter of 6 months, and recived a pair! We love them, it makes things so much easier for us as we fight our battle with cancer. Aubree has to have her diaper changed every two hours while she is on chemo, and these make it so that she is not woken up at night during diaper changes! She has become known for her leggins also! Thank you so much!

Harmony said...

I just wanted to say what a great project you have done. My son Everett(6)and I were at the Oncology Clinic at PCMC today and he got a pair. He was skeptical at first, but when I read to him the part about wearing them on your arms he was sold. He has been wearing them ever since. He chose a purple color that he says makes him look like a Minnesota Vikings football player. I am so sorry for your loss but am glad to see that Kenzie's life has changed the world for the better. Thank you for sharing your story.


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