Friday, November 27, 2009

a new everyday...

Makenzie has CPT and cough assist every 3 hours.

Dumb IV's failing which causes fat feet... Trying to elevate so the swelling goes down.

Double IV's in her hands... Angry because all she wants is her dang fingers!

** yes they were able to cut her bink to fit around her breathing tube.
I thought this was cute. When Kenz had to be put to sleep before surgery they gave her some gas through this teeny tiny mask.

This is our new everyday...


FROGGITY! said...

i feel for you all so much. what a scary, strange thing to be going through. i know that it will only make you stronger, but can't imagine the uncertainties. i pray that your baby will come through this with flying colors and a resilient spirit. she is precious and wonderful. i pray for you and your husband a peace that passes understanding and many happy days ahead. God bless!

Devon said...


I love the binkie. That's a great idea!


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