I'm looking at you right now and you have some seriously long finger nails, I have yet to bring myself to cut your nails again due to the fact I'm still traumatized because of this...
please... please...
lets not judge.
I want to crawl under a bus just thinking about this horrible event that took place in the webster house. just hear my side of the story-
it was a cold and rainy night in October... he he...
so it really was a night in October and i was doing my weekly trimming of ms. makenzies nails.
I am always soooo cautious about trimming them because of her tiny little fingers.
Well on this horrible night she was extra fussy. I decided to just wait until she was sound asleep and trim them then. She dozzed off and I started clipping her fingers (oops) nails...
I got one hand done and was starting on the other when she must have had a bad dream because she jerked causing me to snip the very tip top of my precious little girls perfect fingers.
I frantically looked at her finger sure that I just cut the top of her finger off!
I was thinking did I just kill my child because she wasn't crying... well until...
I saw the one slight red mark that I am assuming was blood and I started crying.
Makenzie decided I didn't feel bad enough and started wailing. Not a small little cry but a full on scream and I'm pretty sure she hit me at one point. Of course I started crying more.
Ryan ran to get her a band aid and once we put in on her she was fine and stopped crying.
I promised her I wouldn't attempt to do that again and we would be making a mani pedi apt and leave it to the pros.
Umm.. Did you know those salons don't cut a newborns nails for you?
trust me- I have looked into it.
You can do it!! It's gets easier each time! I didn't do it at first either... I had my experienced friend do it for me... but eventually I got good at it! You will too! Promise..
you are not alone. It happens to the best of us:)
aw, like these other mommies said, it happens. Don't get yourself down, I know you're a great mom:)
Sorry we didn't make it to your party, we were at our friends party that night, and we stayed late. I hope you had a good time!!
I did that to Lilly once too, and I felt so bad. Their nails are so tricky to cut!
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