Our bags are packed and ready to go. Your carseat is in the car, straped in and ready to go. Daddys guy trip is over and he is home. Momi has not slept in 2 nights because of horrible back pain.
We are all ready for you Miss. MRW
I know you will come when you're ready but please speed the process up a little and dont make us wait to much longer to hug and kiss you!

Harley cant wait to meet you either! She keeps trying to snuggle on my tummy-but she doesnt know what to think when you kick her...
She's going to be here sooooo soon! Can't wait to see her cute face:)
This last part is the hardest. It feels like forever, but trust me - it's worth the wait!
Oh man! I am so excited! Do you think she'll come soon? We would love to come and visit you sometime. What are your work schedules like?
I usually just work in the day. Randy's is all over the place. A BBQ sounds nice.
WHOO HOO! prayers for a lovely delivery and a healthy happy baby girl!
Good luck with everything. It sounds like your as ready as you will ever be. I wish you the best of luck for a fast and speedy delivery.
what an exciting time!!!! Cant wait to see her
Dear Baby Girl,
Auntie Robin cannot wait for you to come either. I have been waiting for this for 9 months now. It's so much fun to talk about you and make plans. I know that momi has had fun decorating your room, and getting everything ready. But it's about time for you to come the wait is soon to be over and there is not much else for us to do until you come!
Oh she'll be here before you know it! Stay healthy :)
Your so close! Best wishes for a healthy, speedy delivery! Can't wait to meet her! You both will be such great parents!
How exciting, can't wait to see all the cute pictures! Hope all goes well!
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