24 Weeks! I am now well over half way done. I am almost able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and things are going GREAT! Baby GIRL is growing wonderfully and each doctor apt we go to Dr. Happy (my super enthusiastic, all smiles, the world is full of pony's and new baby's- OB) he talks about how strong her heart is and how she is growing right on schedule! We had a few different tests that have all come back completely normal- I have more coming up at my next apt which requires me to go into the Dr. Happy's office 2 days in a row to drink some stuff- get blood tested- then come back for the results.
* I don't know if I have ever mentioned how much I HATE needles and getting any kind of shot... I know being pregnant means "Hello needles, my name is Kendra and we will be spending lots of time getting to know each other"
So at 24 weeks- Baby GIRL is...
Your baby has caught up with an ear of corn in size and gained about 1/4 pound since last week. (Length: almost a foot.)
She is getting big- I can feel her moving around me a lot lately. Everyone kept telling me before I could feel her what it will feel like and that its soo cool- I just have to say- YES once I realize that feeling inside me that feels like someone is ripping my stomach open is my baby, I smile and get excited- but before then- come on, it kinda hurts and usually makes me nauseated! (I am loving every moment she moves though)
Baby GIRL's room is coming along pretty good- I have said since the beginning I want her room done by May. Now that we are into April my poor hubby realizes he needs to speed things up a bit. We do have some things like this super cute dresser

Before Ryan's Grandma passed away (2 weeks to be exact) she kept telling us how she wanted to buy our baby her bed. We were lucky enough to be given an old one from my sisters friend so I kept thinking that was fine and didn't want her to waste her money. Well she insisted her Grand baby was NOT going to sleep on an old bed so we made the outing to find a bed at USA Baby. Our trip consisted of... Walking into the store- going straight to this bed she previously spotted-falling in love with it-buying it and leaving within I would say 10 min. We had to wait a week to get it because they didn't have it in stock. Ryan and I came back the next week picked it up and put it together that night. I LOVE this bed. Its going to be so perfect for baby GIRL to grow with and will always have a piece of her Great Grandma.
Here is the bed- except ours is white.Last weekend we went to register at

and last night we went to register atWe also got her paint to paint her room. She has going to have PINK walls (what else :)
Just and FYI- I am very indecisive- The previous bedding I bought from Pottery Barn just didn't look like I thought it would and I didn't really love it so I took it back. I have since found a bedding set I just love- picture to come when her room is all done!
Things are super crazy yet so exciting right now. With some really hard days the last little while I cant help but make myself see all the great days we have ahead of ourselves. We think we have officially picked out her name- We are trying to keep it somewhat of a secret for a while until we are a bit more comfortable with it and know FOR SURE it will be her name...