Thursday, April 7, 2011

---> Washington <--- part 3

Day 5
No matter the weather we were going to go to the Tacoma Zoo
Started out with
The Emperors New Groove
(for the 4th time)
But it was hilarious for the 4th time

The Zoo/Aquarium was very cool but it was like half open.  Everything was a "preview" for the summer- kinda weird!  But we still had fun running from one thing to another in the rain.
The sun did poke through for about 5 minutes all together.
By the end we were all wet, hungry and ready to get out of there.
A quick stop at the store on the way home left me with a new pair of chucks. 
Love them the mostest!

1 comment :

caitlin and brinton said...

Kendra!! What a FUN trip you had! You are so gorgeous and exude such a happy feeling - just looking at pictures of you makes me feel in a good mood. You are naturally uplifting, and that's a rare talent. I hope you have a wonderful trip for your grandma's funeral. See you soon?


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