our baby girl turned 1 month yesterday. I cant believe how fast time if flying.
She put on her party dress and we had a great day.
*Visited Moms work to show everyone how beautiful she is
*Had a yummy lunch with her Grandma Becky and Auntie Brooke
*Bought a Baby Bjorn -which she LOVES!
*Bought a new squashy blanket. We need a second one while the other is in the wash
*Made cupcakes with Mom
*Played with her Daddy
*Had a great visit from Grandpa (She has missed him)
She is so stinkin' cute Kendra!
I can't wait to have a baby and dress her up like your previous post:) SO fun! I bet you just love being a mommy!!
Thanks for the advice on the wedding, I will take all of that info and run with it!! Thanks again
That month went really quickly! She's a doll.
you were at work and you didn't even tell me!? What is that all about. It would have been nice to see you and baby! miss you
Has it really been a month already? I need to come see that little beauty!!! Enjoy every second! =)
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