Britax Boulevard 70-G3: I did a lot of research on car seats. I am very paranoid about car safety and wanted the best for Tracker. Britax by far has the best rating around. We love the Boulevard. Tracker has a good amount of room and great cushion. Its so easy to clean after a blow out (I have first hand experience twice now). Britax has great safety rating but also awesome extras to make life a little easier.
Gerber Graduates Yogurt melts: These are rather tasty if you are like me and have to sample everything your child eats (I am not going to give him something I think is disgusting so I have to test it first) Tracker inhales them. They are easy to pack around and easy to continuously pop into the babes mouth to keep him happy.
Gerber Graduates Waggon Wheels: Tracker loves these. I was so worried to give him one for the first time fearing he would choke on it but it dissolves really fast. Tracker pants like a dog when he sees me getting these out because he is so excited.
Baby Einstein Count & Discover Treasure Chest: Thanks to this little gem I know numbers, colors and shapes in Spanish and french in addition to English. I am putting that on my resume. and Tracker is kind of obsessed with it as well. He would be happy with this toy and this toy only. He knows how to pull the coins out of the box and put them back in the slot. He bangs and tosses this around all day long.
Evenflo SmartSteps Jump and Go: We already had the horse jumperoo and didn't think to buy one that hangs in the doorway but after our friends gave this to us and we tried it with Tracker- the horse was soon put into storage and this has never left his side. He is able to jump higher and swing in all directions. He can also turn any direction which is exactly what keeps him happy (he needs to see the entire world). I am not partial to this particular jumper. I think any doorway jumper would be great.
Nuby No-Spill Super Spout: I bought this little cup by a whim at the store to see how Tracker would do with it. He took to it right away and we have never looked back. He still has his bottle but he drinks 2-3 of his drinks out of his sippy. He love its and I love that unless he is going nuts shaking it upside down, these really don't leak much at all. Plus they are super easy for Tracker to drink from.
Binky Sprits: If your little ones uses a binky this is a must. Its a completely natural binky cleaner. but I use it for just about everything. His toys, bottles and anything else he might get his little hands on. Its safe enough to spray the binky and put it right in his mouth. It even has a little sweet taste that gets Tracker extra excited. It might seem small but I use this several times a day since Tracker was born and I am still on the same bottle. It lasts forever.
UppaBaby G Luxe: I wanted to get a more compact Stroller this time around that would be easier to tote around and wouldn't take up as much space. We tested out several different types and fell in love with the Uppa. The G Luxe is complete luxury for our little dude. I love that it reclines, is really cushioned and open and closes so easy. Its also easy to clean. My only advice for those of you who might pick one up... It becomes top heavy when you have a drink in the cup holder and no baby in the stroller so it tips over. I hope to spare any other Mum out there from spilling an entire cup of lemonade all over the summer collection at baby gap.

You can buy those ankle weights people wear to exercise and put them on the front axle of the stroller to give any top heavy stroller enough weight on the bottom to not let it tip ;)
I miss raeding your posts on your blog.. boo to whoever made it stop.
Thanks for posting your 8 month favorite. I like seeing what other moms like to use. My baby is 7 months old so I have gone out and bought products that you use. Its very helpful!
I wanted to know though, what you put in T's sippy cup? I just do water for now. Thanks for the updates!
Hi Samantha... I just put water in his sippy. Nothing special :)
STACY--- that is GENIUS. Where have you been the last 8 months :) Thank you for that tip.
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