Happy Happy Birthday Girl!
One of my bestys Robin has turned the big #22
She is one of the funniest people I have ever met. She keeps me rolling everytime we hang out.
Robin and I meet many moons ago while starting at American Express together (tear)
We have been through some tough times together and have moved many floors apart. Its really hard at times but with the commitment we have- we pull through.
Oh My. Robin is such an amazing person and has been through so much in her short 22 years. I really admire and look up to Robin. Cant wait to celebrate tomorrow!
Happy Birthday!
PS. Robin doesn't dress like this everyday-
1 comment :
Hey silly goose! that is the worst picture of me I have ever seen. and they say black is supposed to make you look thinner ::not true:: Thank you so much for the tribute on the blogg spot!!! thats too funny! :o) I cannot wait for tomorrow night either. Annie got me some cute shirts and I plan on wearing one of them. I also may be getting the annual tattoo this year for my birthday!!! :o) I will talk to you later!
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