10 YEARS AGO: Well this will really show how young I am but 10 years ago I was getting ready for my big 11th birthday! Living in SLC in a crazy life. No need to go into detail but one of the worst times in my life was sadly my childhood.
5 YEARS AGO: Time couldn't go by slower- getting ready to drive and couldn't wait! My Mom, little bro Jonathan and I moved to WVC! I was getting ready for my junior year in high school and life was going pretty great. One month from now (5 years ago) I was getting ready to take on a huge life changing experience by helping raise my nephew Devlin. He was born June 16. I cant believe he will be turning 5 next month. He has been one of the best things in my life and although he is only 4- he is my best friend and has got me though some of the worst times in my life. He is so adorable, smart, funny, talented and has so much potential. I pray that he grows up and is one of the happiest people in this world and has everyone of his little dreams come true. I hope he doesn't have to grow up so fast like so many kids have to in this world now and he can live his childhood. He in many ways is more of an adult than I am and thankfully in most ways still a bouncy little boy. I couldn't imagine my life without him. What an incredible little person he is!
5 MONTHS AGO: It was my favorite time of the year- Getting ready for Christmas. I was still getting settled in my new position at work and busy planning our trip to Korea in April. We had a great Christmas this year where Santa sure spoiled not only Ryan but Harley and myself! My brothers new Motorcycle shop had just opened which started off with an amazing bang! My little niece in Korea was born. My adorable Momi was busy planning her wedding and getting married to Jesse!
(Pictures of my Moms wedding!)

5 THINGS ON MY TO-DO LIST: Start feeling better (I have been horribly sick for a few weeks now and it got out of control the last few days), Grocery shop (My poor husband is going hungry because of the lack of food in my house), Get Mothers day events figured out and arranged (I love you Momi), Start painting our stairs and halls, Get our computer fixed before my online class starts next week- ahhh!
5 SNACKS I ENJOY: Sorbet, Bananas, These little cakes from Korea (mmm I miss them), A big glass of Milk, Beef Jerky. Okay some of these are not "snacks" but these are the things I eat all the time and cant get enough of!
1- Buy an old home and remodel it
2- Vacation like there is no tomorrow- hello weekend getaways to the Bahamas!
3- Make sure my family is taken care of financially- Put some funds away for my nieces and nephews for whatever their dreams my hold in the future.
4- Open my own children/teen home for abused children- A place with real people who know what they are going through with real love the show to them every day.
5- I want to simply help whenever where ever more. If someone needs something- I want to without question give them what they need and make sure those I know don't have to struggle. Money cant buy happiness but sometimes it sure can calm others stress which will help them be happier and a better person. I dunno Silly dreams by Kendra
5 PLACES I'VE LIVED: Heber, SLC, Rosepark, WVC, Fruit Heights= ALL UTAH
1- I'm going skydiving (A dream to fly)
2- My major right now is to be an Anesthesiologist (Yes I will be 50 before I graduate)
3- I absolutely love to ride on the back of a motorcycle- It makes me feel free (I would drive one myself but I fear for the safety of others)
4- I want to one day own a big ranch with cows, pigs, tigers, chickens, elk, moose, horses (Clydesdale horses- oh I'm in love with those) panda bears. I know its a strange ranch but Its one of my dreams! (DREAM BIG RIGHT?!)
5- I can shot a gun (watch out!)